java Programming Glossary: locale.getdefault
Using Locales with Java's toLowerCase() and toUpperCase() Locale. When you call toLowerCase internally toLowerCase Locale.getDefault is getting called. It is locale sensitive and you should not..
How to put JSON lOutput (latitude and longitude) on the map p geocoding Geocoder geoCoder new Geocoder getBaseContext Locale.getDefault try List Address addresses geoCoder.getFromLocation p.getLatitudeE6..
How do I output the location using gps on Android lon location.getLongitude Geocoder gc new Geocoder this Locale.getDefault List Address addresses null try addresses gc.getFromLocation..
Get Map address or Location Address in Android Lat lat nLong lng Geocoder gc new Geocoder this Locale.getDefault try List Address addresses gc.getFromLocation lat lng 1 StringBuilder.. Geocoder youractivityclassname.this.getApplicationContext Locale.getDefault List Address addresses geo.getFromLocation latitude longitude..
Weird behaviour with Scanner#nextFloat Gives fr_BE on this system System.out.println Locale.getDefault float price String uSDecimal 0.23 String frenchDecimal 0 23..
Java - Decimal Format.parse to return double value with specified number of decimal places happens to be nl_BE System.out.println Current Locale is Locale.getDefault .toString number in Central European Format with a format string..
GWT - did you forget to inherit a required module? have written a line to print the Locale System.out.println Locale.getDefault Here Locale is an instance of java.util.Locale. I'm getting..
Java Text on Image JPEGImageWriteParam jpegParams new JPEGImageWriteParam Locale.getDefault jpegParams.setCompressionMode ImageWriteParam.MODE_EXPLICIT..
JTable cell editor number format row column if value instanceof Number Locale myLocale Locale.getDefault NumberFormat numberFormatB NumberFormat.getInstance myLocale.. ... or better the current Locale Locale myLocale Locale.getDefault better still NumberFormat numberFormatB NumberFormat.getInstance..
Why is subtracting these two times (in 1927) giving a strange result? 0 useDaylight false transitions 19 lastRule null Locale Locale.getDefault zh_CN java date timezone share improve this question It's..
Getting fonts, sizes, bold,…etc
Java 7 default locale question This is as designed. Java 7 has changed the way Locale.getDefault works. A defect has been entered with Oracle but they basically.. only is no longer sufficient. Read the bug report here Locale.getDefault returns wrong Locale for Java SE 7 share improve this answer..
List of useful environment settings in Java locale sortableLocale ii .getLocale if locale.equals Locale.getDefault prefix b suffix b sb.append dataPairToTableRow prefix locale.toString.. tabPane.add Locales getOutputWidgetForContent sb.toString Locale.getDefault int border 5 JPanel p new JPanel new BorderLayout p.setBorder..
how do I set the default locale for my JVM? the default locale with this method subsequent calls to Locale.getDefault will return the newly set locale. Reference . share improve..
Change Font at runtime String fontFamilyNames ge.getAvailableFontFamilyNames Locale.getDefault fontsBox new JComboBox fontFamilyNames fontsBox.setSelectedItem.. String fontFamilyNames ge.getAvailableFontFamilyNames Locale.getDefault fontsBox new JComboBox fontFamilyNames fontsBox.setSelectedItem..