java Programming Glossary: locales
How do I speed up the gwt compiler? this little hack. Another option if you are using several locales and again using only one for testing you can comment them all..
How can I convert an Integer to localized month name in Java? integer and I need to convert to a month names in various locales Example for locale en us 1 January 2 February Example for locale..
java Calendar, Date, and Time management for a multi-timezone application to be added by users in several different timezones and locales. The challenge is correct presentation of these events. So as..
Is there a good date parser for Java? anyone know a good date parser for different languages locales. The built in parser of Java SimpleDateFormat is very strict...
List all available ResourceBundle Files So in general what you need to do is remember which locales you have resources for perhaps create a list as part of your..
i18n with UTF-8 encoded properties files in JSF 2.0 appliaction encoding. Secondly I've defined the default and supported locales in faces config.xml locale config default locale iw default..
How can I add localization to JFileChooser for a locale that is not supported by default? that is not supported by default The list of supported locales for User Interface Translation does not have all the languages..
How can I format a String number to have commas and round? to look at the DecimalFormat class it supports different locales eg in some countries that would get formatted as 1.000.500.000..
Simple conversion between java.util.Date and XMLGregorianCalendar Calendar objects have a pretty good API for working with locales and timezones. In any case I'm much happier to deal with Calendar..
What's the point of beans? A Bean may be designed to operate correctly in different locales which makes it useful in global markets. Auxiliary software..
how to parse output of new Date().toString() Sun Dec 12 13 45 12 CET 2010 so it doesn't seem to honor locales which seems to make it easy. Anyone java date format share..
How to set thousands separator in Java?
Inserting national characters into an oracle NCHAR or NVARCHAR column does not work may need different strings use locale a to list supported locales. JDBC Driver Applications using Oracles JDBC driver needs to..
List of useful environment settings in Java Variant sb.append th sb.append tr sb.append thead Locale locales Locale.getAvailableLocales SortableLocale sortableLocale new.. SortableLocale sortableLocale new SortableLocale locales.length for int ii 0 ii locales.length ii sortableLocale ii.. new SortableLocale locales.length for int ii 0 ii locales.length ii sortableLocale ii new SortableLocale locales ii ..
iReport external font Identity H pdfEncoding pdfEmbedded CDATA true pdfEmbedded locales locale CDATA en_US locale locales fontFamily fontFamilies fonts.. CDATA true pdfEmbedded locales locale CDATA en_US locale locales fontFamily fontFamilies fonts directory includes all ttf files...