java Programming Glossary: locale.english
Using Locales with Java's toLowerCase() and toUpperCase() String str CyBeRdRaGoN str str.toLowerCase Locale.ENGLISH return str Now I've read that using certain Locale s like Turkish.. results for locale insensitive strings use toLowerCase Locale.ENGLISH . i refer to these links as solution to your problem and it.. results for locale insensitive strings use toLowerCase Locale.ENGLISH . PLEASE READ THE LINKS I CANT POST ALL OF IT THIS IS REPLY..
Unparseable date: “30-Jun-12” do SimpleDateFormat sdf new SimpleDateFormat dd MMM yy Locale.ENGLISH Date date sdf.parse 30 Jun 12 A third problem which is actually..
Why does an hour get added on to java.util.Date for dates before Nov 1 1971? TimeZone.getTimeZone Europe London Locale.setDefault Locale.ENGLISH SimpleDateFormat dateFormat new SimpleDateFormat EEE MMM dd..
Java Date Format for Locale java.text.DateFormat. DateFormat f getDateInstance SHORT Locale.ENGLISH Then you can use this object to format Date s String d f.format..
Java code/library for generating slugs (for use in pretty URLs) normalized .replaceAll return slug.toLowerCase Locale.ENGLISH This is still a fairly naive process though. It isn't going..
Parse RSS pubDate to Date object in java
Java string to date conversion January 2 2010 Date date new SimpleDateFormat MMMM d yyyy Locale.ENGLISH .parse string System.out.println date Sat Jan 02 00 00 00 BOT..
How to parse date string to Date? df new SimpleDateFormat EEE MMM dd kk mm ss z yyyy Locale.ENGLISH Date result df.parse target System.out.println result This prints..
How to play a .MIDI file in a new thread in Java? StringUtils.defaultString mdi.getName .toLowerCase Locale.ENGLISH if lcName.contains useExternalSynth usb java return dev ..
joda DateTime parser error MMM yyyy HH mm ss z Date date new SimpleDateFormat pattern Locale.ENGLISH .parse s DateTime d new DateTime date.getTime System.out.println..
java string to utc date date_formatter new SimpleDateFormat date_format Locale.ENGLISH Look with locale. Without it the platform default locale will..