java Programming Glossary:
indexOf Case Sensitive? strings to upper lower case beforehand s1 s1.toLowerCase Locale.US s2 s2.toLowerCase Locale.US s1.indexOf s2 share improve this..
Using BigDecimal to work with currencies usdCostFormat NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance Locale.US usdCostFormat.setMinimumFractionDigits 1 usdCostFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits..
ListView is blank while using getFilter function adapter.getFilter .filter cs.toString .toLowerCase Locale.US @Override public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence arg0 int..
Strange problem with timezone, calendar and SimpleDateFormat sdf new SimpleDateFormat HH mm ss dd MM yyyy Locale.US long start sdf.parse 10 30 00 30 09 2009 .getTime long end sdf.parse.. 30 00 30 10 2009 .getTime Calendar c Calendar.getInstance Locale.US c.setTimeInMillis start System.out.println Start c.getTime c.setTimeInMillis..
How to check if a double has at most n decimal places? new DecimalFormatSymbols Locale.US value decimalFormat.format numericValue This also works for..
Unable to parse DateTime-string with AM/PM marker
Why dec 31 2010 returns 1 as week of year? sdf.parse 31 12 2010 Calendar calUs Calendar.getInstance Locale.US calUs.setTime lastDec2010 Calendar calDe Calendar.getInstance..
Weird behaviour with Scanner#nextFloat accept 0 23 french notation as a float Locale.setDefault Locale.US This is most probably due to regional settings in Windows XP.. public static void main String args Locale.setDefault Locale.US Locale.setDefault Locale.FRANCE Gives fr_BE on this system System.out.println..
How to set thousands separator in Java? formatter DecimalFormat NumberFormat.getInstance Locale.US DecimalFormatSymbols symbols formatter.getDecimalFormatSymbols..
send mail to Gmail account DATE DateFormat.getDateInstance DateFormat.FULL Locale.US .format new Date r n os.writeBytes From from r n os.writeBytes..
java convert milliseconds to date sdf new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd HH mm ss SSS Locale.US GregorianCalendar calendar new GregorianCalendar TimeZone.getTimeZone..