java Programming Glossary: isolation
Are java primitive ints atomic by design or by accident? on processors that cannot easily update a single byte in isolation some other approach will be required. In other words it's up..
Using a JFileChooser with Swing GUI classes and listeners
Is it a good idea to put jdbc connection code in servlet class? connection url driver com.mysql driver transaction isolation TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED transaction isolation pool min pool.. isolation TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED transaction isolation pool min pool size 10 min pool size max pool size 100 max pool..
What are mock objects in Java? of that dependency. This allows you to test your object in isolation. Common Java frameworks for creating mock objects include JMock..
Understanding EJB3/JPA container-level transactions and isolation level EJB3 JPA container level transactions and isolation level Consider this simplified view of some code with which.. transaction I would not expect there to be any issues with isolation levels. However for whatever reason the secondEjb database write..
hibernate+spring+jpa+isolation does not work? spring jpa isolation does not work i have been trying this @Transactional isolation.. does not work i have been trying this @Transactional isolation Isolation.SERIALIZABLE rollbackFor Exception.class propagation.. complains saying Standard JPA does not support custom isolation levels use a special JpaDialect im really confused. can someone..
How to calculate the number of rows (and columns in each row) a text takes in a JTextArea? the sum of the advances of its characters measured in isolation The preferred size of the text component matches the metric..
Making a private method public to unit test it…good idea? to test. If you really want to test the private method in isolation in Java you could use Easymock Powermock to allow you to do..
Handling the concurrent request while persisting in oracle database? New York to Chicago. I am using the oracle database and isolation level is read committed. My question here is that does oracle.. can this kind of issue at database level itself Probably isolation level as serializable can help. But not sure java oracle jdbc..
Has JUnit4 begun supporting ordering of test? Is it intentional? and would expect EditProfile being able to be executed in isolation as well. That is edit profile should take care of creating profile..
Class loading isolation issue (or How to use JPA2 on JBoss 5.x ?) loading isolation issue or How to use JPA2 on JBoss 5.x I would like JBoss to.. 1 SUMMARY Initially I have tried this class loading isolation for loading Hibernate 3.6.4 jars with JBoss 5.1.0.GA. It's definitively..
Can Hibernate work with MySQL's “ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE” syntax? exists. This is helpful when you want quick transaction isolation and the values you want to update to depend on values already..