java Programming Glossary: istore_2
Fastest way to iterate in Java Code 0 aload_0 1 astore_1 2 aload_1 3 arraylength 4 istore_2 5 iconst_0 6 istore_3 7 iload_3 8 iload_2 9 if_icmpge 31 12..
Is 1/0 a legal Java expression? 0 iconst_5 1 istore_1 i 5 2 iconst_1 3 iconst_0 4 idiv 5 istore_2 j 1 0 6 iconst_4 7 istore_3 k 4 8 return As you can see the..
Which is more effective: if (null == variable) or if (variable == null)? null 7 iconst_1 push 1 8 goto 12 11 iconst_0 push 0 12 istore_2 store For boolean b null variable 3 aconst_null push null 4.. equal 8 iconst_1 push 1 9 goto 13 12 iconst_0 push 0 13 istore_2 store As @Bozho says variable null is the most common default..
What code does the compiler generate for autoboxing? 6 invokevirtual #3 Method java lang Integer.intValue I 9 istore_2 10 return Thus as you can see autoboxing invokes the static..
for loop optimization Method java util ArrayList. init V 7 astore_1 8 iconst_0 9 istore_2 10 iload_2 11 aload_1 12 invokeinterface #4 1 InterfaceMethod.. #4 1 InterfaceMethod java util List.size I 14 istore_2 15 iconst_0 16 istore_3 17 iload_3 18 iload_2 19 if_icmpge 36..