java Programming Glossary: ish
Will using multiple threads with a RandomAccessFile help performance? help performance I am working on a database ish project where data is stored in a flat file. For reading writing..
How to completely remove Java? (Error: could not open `C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\i386\jvm.cfg') to work on Eclipse. And it has proven to be a nightmare ish task In retrospect All references to Java in the Control Panel..
Best way to accomplish inter-activity communication in an Android TabHost application way to accomplish inter activity communication in an Android TabHost application.. map list. It's much faster but still feels slightly hack ish especially the part where I'm calling a custom function in the..
Tinting Image in Java improvement on doing this tinting on many images most having a grey ish tone to them so they are easy to be tinted at runtime about..
What are first-class objects in Java and C#? have all of those properties but they are sort of object ish. So we'll call the former first class objects and the rest not..
Options for Client Server Communication in Android working in this area have tended towards REST and REST ish protocols. If nothing else that's what all the fun Web sites..
Keyboard input for a game in Java old school GB behavior With the if branch it's more TDS ish. TODO Make this depend on an account setting if m SOFT_DROP..
Java/swing: console component? text to the end of the console has some kind of FIFO ish property whereby the amount of text displayed in the console..
list or container O(1)-ish insertion/deletion performance, with array semantics or container O 1 ish insertion deletion performance with array semantics I'm looking..
When to catch java.lang.Error? need to catch specific Errors. If you're writing framework ish code loading 3rd party classes it might be wise to catch LinkageErrors..
Creating random colour in java? produce a random colour with more red in it usually pink ish float r rand.nextFloat float g rand.nextFloat 0.5 float b rand.nextFloat..
Java Aspect-Oriented Programming with Annotations Fundamentals see reference below I asked for a King's English explanation of what AOP is and what it does. I received some.. weaver the magic is occurring at run time using proxy ish mechanisms. So the .class files are left untouched. For instance..
Is System.nanoTime() completely useless? nanoTime calls clock_gettime CLOCK_REALTIME then it's safe ish as of kernel 2.6.18 on x86 and always on PowerPC because IBM..
Java heap space in netbeans.. but I've increased the heap size already! total memory parameter is only 66650112 bytes that is 64M ish. How can I force this particular class procedure whatever to..
suggestions for declarative GUI programming in Java elements Plain Old Swing with something to parse XUL ish XML has anyone invented a declarative syntax like XUL for XML..
Loop Keyword Program Homework word sentence ˜stop but that is OK . Once the user has finished entering the sentences the program should display the following.. Please enter a sentence or type 'stop' to finish inputString keyboard.nextLine while inputString.equals stop.. 1 System.out.println Enter a line of text or 'stop' to finish inputString keyboard.nextLine System.out.println You entered..