java Programming Glossary: ischecked
How to implement a button that gets all checkbox's state and adds the value of checked item into arraylist? void onCheckedChanged CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked Model element Model viewHolder.checkbox.getTag if isChecked.. Model element Model viewHolder.checkbox.getTag if isChecked selctionCount else if isChecked selctionCount if selctionCount.. if isChecked selctionCount else if isChecked selctionCount if selctionCount 2 Toast.makeText context..
Listview with custom adapter containing CheckBoxes public void onCheckedChanged CompoundButton cb boolean isChecked for int i 0 i checked.length i if cb checkBoxArray i checked.. i 0 i checked.length i if cb checkBoxArray i checked i isChecked public boolean itemIsChecked int i return checked i The layouts.. void onCheckedChanged CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked mChecked Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked get the tag so..
Android: Specify two different images for togglebutton using XML public void onClick View v if centeredOnLocation.isChecked centeredOnLocation.setBackgroundDrawable getResources .getDrawable.. attribute despite the class having the method isChecked and setChecked . So is there a way to do what I want in XML..
How uncheck items in AlertDialog (setMultiChoiceItems)? void onClick DialogInterface dialog int which boolean isChecked int count 0 for int i 1 i selected.length i if selected..
How to create a service in Android that can't be killed by Advanced Task Killer void onCheckedChanged CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked TODO Auto generated method stub if buttonView.isChecked Toast.makeText.. isChecked TODO Auto generated method stub if buttonView.isChecked Toast.makeText MainForm.this Your Device is Protected Now..
Selenium checkbox attribute “checked” of a checkbox in a webapp. Here's the code private boolean isChecked private WebElement e I declare e and assign it to the area where.. declare e and assign it to the area where the checkbox is. isChecked e.findElement By.tagName input .getAttribute checked .equals.. So what you would look for in Selenium Webdriver is this isChecked e.findElement By.tagName input .Selected As there is no Selected..
using checkbox to filter contacts and get phone number void onCheckedChanged CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked if isChecked Add contact... else Remove contact. return.. CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked if isChecked Add contact... else Remove contact. return convertView..