java Programming Glossary: isolated
What does OSGi solve? specific versioned plug ins. Because of the versioning and isolated classloaders different versions of the same artifact can be..
Using application's Log4J configuration under JBoss 7.1.1 structure is jboss deployment structure ear subdeployments isolated false ear subdeployments isolated deployment exclusions module.. ear subdeployments isolated false ear subdeployments isolated deployment exclusions module name org.apache.log4j slot main..
Singleton Design Pattern: Pitfalls the unit tests you write involving these objects will be isolated and disjoint from one another. Instead you will have to worry..
Can JSF 2.0 be used with Websphere application server version 7.x is to create a WebSphere Shared Library with the isolated classloader option enabled. Any modules that need JSF 2 would..
how to retransform a class at runtime new class by using a new classloader. If you create a new isolated classloader which will not delegate to the existing loaded class..
Do you really use your reverse domain for package naming in java? [closed] else will collide with. You own your domain name so it's isolated. If we didn't have this convention many companies would have..
Eclipse debugging “source not found” and allow me to continue to debug my own code Edit I've isolated the cause of this. It seems that Eclipse seems to think it needs..
Java Generics the producer of the Vector and the consumer are completely isolated from each other this can be a fatal issue. Enter generics. Generics..
Sandbox against malicious code in a Java application would make the code safe there's one annoying thing the isolated code can still do allocate as much memory as it can which causes..
How can I improve my junit tests is a bit frustrating for developers. Tests cannot be run isolated the best you can do is to stop after the test you are interested..