java Programming Glossary: isvisible
JPanel which one of Listeners is proper for visibility is changed might not be the one you think about i guess so atleast . isVisible flag will be true even if component is not added to any container.. ONLY if that panel is added to VISIBLE to user frame and isVisible flag is also true it is usually true unless you set it to false..
Java Bouncing Ball g2.drawOval x y 30 30 draws circle public void run while isVisible try Thread.sleep delay catch InterruptedException e System.out.println.. vy getHeight vy 1 x vx y vy private void start while isVisible try Thread.sleep 25 catch InterruptedException e System.exit.. InvocationTargetException exp exp.printStackTrace while isVisible try Thread.sleep delay catch InterruptedException e System.out.println..
Threads with Key Bindings speed public int getSpeed return speed public boolean isVisible return visible public void setVisible boolean visible this.visible.. Graphics2D g2d for Entity e entities if e.isVisible g2d.drawImage e.getCurrentImage int e.getX int e.getY null..
How to check if an element is visible with WebDriver returns a WebElement which unfortunately doesn't offer an isVisible method. I can go around this by using WebElement.clear or
How to get the top card in Java's CardLayout through each component to check for visibility with isVisible but it seems that they're all visible . Edit By top card I mean.. getComponents if component instanceof JPanel component.isVisible currentPanel JPanel component System.out.println currentPanel.getClass.. those panels was the one I was seeing. I didn't check for isVisible on the scroll pane itself i had been looking at it's contends..
give focus to a panel that is not a child of the focused Window? Non blocked button pushed if blockedFrame.isVisible noBlockedFrame.setVisible false else blockedFrame.setVisible.. @Override public void windowActivated WindowEvent e if isVisible System.out.println Dialog.getFocusBack getFocusBack private.. EventQueue theQueue getToolkit .getSystemEventQueue while isVisible AWTEvent event theQueue.getNextEvent Object src event.getSource..