java Programming Glossary: isconnected
Java Socket API: How to tell if a socket has been closed? a player has disconnected using the socket API. Calling isConnected on a socket that has been disconnected remotely always seems.. that will tell you the current state of the connection. isConnected and isClosed tell you the current state of your socket . Not.. you the current state of your socket . Not the same thing. isConnected tells you whether you have connected this socket . You have..
Java: How to detect a remote side socket close? networking sockets tcp share improve this question The isConnected method won't help it will return true even if the remote side.. localhost MyServer.PORT System.out.println connected s.isConnected Thread.sleep 10000 System.out.println connected s.isConnected.. Thread.sleep 10000 System.out.println connected s.isConnected Start the server start the client. You'll see that it prints..
Why is it impossible, without attempting I/O, to detect that TCP socket was gracefully closed by peer? its own CLOSE operation. I suppose it's fair enough that isConnected returns true and isClosed returns false but why isn't there.. 12345 for int i 0 i 10 i System.out.println connected s.isConnected closed s.isClosed Thread.sleep 1000 Thread.sleep 100000 When..
Java RMI + SSL + Compression = IMPOSSIBLE! pass it ... return new Socket wrappingImpl public boolean isConnected return true ... to a new Socket. We have to subclass Socket.. but this is opportune since we also have to override the isConnected method to return true instead of false . Remember our SocketImpl.. Socket result new Socket wrappingImpl public boolean isConnected return true public boolean isBound return true public int..
How can a socket be both connected and closed? just keep it an re use it. I use this condition if socket.isConnected socket.isClosed socket.isBound try socket.close catch IOException.. useful discussions on this topic. It turns out that Socket.isConnected returns true if it has ever been successfully connected. From.. you use Socket which you seem to have overlooked Socket.isConnected tells you whether Socket.connect has been called or not. Similarly..