java Programming Glossary: isenabled
How to add checkbox to JTree node to manage multiselection? boolean isSelected return other.isSelected public boolean isEnabled return other.isEnabled public boolean isPressed return other.isPressed.. other.isSelected public boolean isEnabled return other.isEnabled public boolean isPressed return other.isPressed public boolean..
Swing: resizing a JFrame like Frames in Linux e.g String key Object value @Override public boolean isEnabled return false @Override public Object getValue String key return..
how can you make a progress bar without using JProgressBar? int stringW 0 int stringH 0 g2d.setColor getForeground if isEnabled int p getValue String percent Integer.toString p 10 if p.. Control Border g2d.setColor isEnabled borderColor disabledBorderColor g2d.drawLine 1 0 w 1 0 g2d.drawLine.. 0.20f g2d.fillRect 1 h int h FACTOR w 1 int h FACTOR if isEnabled for int i h i w i h g2d.setComposite veryTransparent g2d.setColor..
Android: EfficientAdapter with two different Views which is a separator it returns false for public boolean isEnabled int position and public View getView int position View convertView.. int position return position @Override public boolean isEnabled int position return false if item is a separator if listPlaces.getValues..
Android: How to disable list items on list creation ArrayAdapter . You have to override the following methods isEnabled int position and areAllItemsEnabled . In former you return true.. boolean areAllItemsEnabled return false public boolean isEnabled int position return false if position position you want to disable..
JTable disable Checkbox in Cell checkbox cells i tried with a custom renderer checking isEnabled and then changing the background color but still not workin...
Disable items in JList DefaultListSelectionModel then you can set the Flag if isEnabled or not simple example import java.awt. import java.awt.event...
using checkbox to filter contacts and get phone number disable particular list row. @Override public boolean isEnabled int position Write your code here...... return super.isEnabled.. int position Write your code here...... return super.isEnabled position public View getView final int position View convertView..