java Programming Glossary: iscancelled
JProgressbar: how to change colour based on progress? int current 0 lengthOfTask 100 while current lengthOfTask isCancelled try dummy task Thread.sleep 50 catch InterruptedException..
BlackBerry class equivalent to AsyncTask? final int getStatus return _status public final boolean isCancelled return _cancelled public final boolean cancel boolean mayInterruptIfRunning.. tasks by letting the doInBackground method check isCancelled at multiple points in its processing. _worker.interrupt return.. .invokeLater new Runnable public void run if isCancelled onCancelled result else onPostExecute result TODO not sure..
java swingworker thread to update main Gui List Integer numbers new ArrayList Integer 25 while enough isCancelled number nextPrimeNumber numbers.add number publish number..
SwingWorker not responding .toString System.out.println this.getState while isCancelled counter arrNames.length System.out.format Counter d n counter.. runnable System.out.println this.getState while isCancelled counter arrNames.length System.out.format Counter d n counter.. produces the exception copied from OP's edit while isCancelled counter arrNames.length System.out.format Counter d n counter..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog data 1 allow canceling with back button if isCancelled return null total count publishing the progress.... if fileLength..
Adding multiple JProgressBar to TableColumn of JTable doInBackground int current 0 while current lengthOfTask isCancelled if table.isDisplayable break if key 2 current 60 Error Test.. 1 @Override protected void done String text int i 1 if isCancelled text Cancelled else try i get text i 0 Done Disposed catch..