java Programming Glossary: is..
What are the differences between the different saving methods in Hibernate? is deprecated and should no longer be used. Instead there is... merge Now this is where my knowledge starts to falter. The..
Make JPopupMenu Display with a Certain Bottom Left Coordinate in the center of the window so you know where the center is... int width getWidth 1 int height getHeight 1 g.drawLine width.. in the center of the window so you know where the center is... int width getWidth 1 int height getHeight 1 g.drawLine width..
Why java.lang.Object is not abstract? [duplicate]
How can I make my AES encryption identical between Java and Objective-C (iPhone)? free the buffer return nil And the java encryption code is... public byte encryptData byte data String key byte encrypted..
Why doesn't String's hashCode() cache 0? performance at all for any other case. Hooray Now your app is... let's see... 0.0015 faster What used to take an entire day..
Does Java have “properties” that work the same way properties work in C# (see the body of my text)? args newInt a new newInt a.x 50 int b a.x The question is... can java do this as well if so what is it called c# java properties..
How to collect and inject all beans of a given type in Spring XML configuration be to use @Autowired annotation in the singleton bean that is... @Autowired private Collection Option options But doesn't it..
Creating random numbers with no duplicates If the generated number is less than 4 you'd keep it as is... otherwise you add one to it. That gets you a result range of..
Sort ArrayList of Array in Java best way to sort an ArrayList String in Java Where String is... String new String abc abc abc abc abc abc abc Now I want to..
Android - Unable to get the gps location on the emulator cause loc is null. I don't understand where the error is... can you help me please UPDATE Thanks for your help now i use..
Closing JDBC Connections in Pool in Pool Our standard code section for using JDBC is... Connection conn getConnection ... Statement stmt conn.conn.createStatement..
How to calculate the difference between two Java java.sql.Timestamps? t4.setNanos t4.getNanos 1 Show what a mess this API is... Yes the milliseconds show up in both fields Isn't that fun..
How to setSize of image using RescaleOp g.drawImage bImage 0 0 width height null So the question is... How to set width and height for bImage in this case Any useful..
java package cycle detection: how to find the specific classes involved? was not activated. I still like CAD though THE ANSWER is... see my own second answer below java class dependencies packages..
Is The Java Tutorials Translucent Window example giving trouble to those playing with jdk7? appear decorated or is this custom rendering What it is... What it should be... java swing java 7 translucency netbeans7.0..
What is the lifecycle and concurrency semantics of Rhino Script Engine factory.getParameter THREADING ...the output is... engineName AppleScriptEngine THREADING null engineName Mozilla..
Difference between <context:annotation-config> vs <context:component-scan> annotation config We load the context and the result is... Nothing. No beans are created no beans are autowired. Nothing..
How to create map tiles from OpenStreetMap offline, display it on Android? and slf4j android 1.5.8.jar Or whatever the latest version is... Without this last JAR my code kept crashing until I remembered..
Determine if a String is a valid date before parsing safe whereas null isn't. If you're wondering what Stream is... it's a lazy list . This ensures that you ignore patterns after..