java Programming Glossary: istore_1
Fastest way to iterate in Java public static void main java.lang.String Code 0 iconst_0 1 istore_1 2 iload_1 3 aload_0 4 arraylength 5 if_icmpge 23 8 getstatic..
Instructions reordering in Java JVM 0 aload_0 read this 1 getfield #6 read hash r1 4 istore_1 store r1 in local variable h 5 iload_1 read h 6 ifne 16 compare.. this 10 iconst_1 constant 1 11 dup constant again 12 istore_1 store 1 into h 13 putfield #6 store 1 into hash w1 16 iload_1..
Java OutOfMemoryError strange behaviour the sum variable static void test int Code 0 iconst_0 1 istore_1 2 goto 12 5 iload_0 6 newarray long 8 astore_2 9 iinc 1 1 12.. void main java.lang.String Code 0 ldc #16 int 5000000 2 istore_1 3 ldc #16 int 5000000 5 newarray long 7 astore_2 8 iconst_0..
Is 1/0 a legal Java expression? public static void main java.lang.String Code 0 iconst_5 1 istore_1 i 5 2 iconst_1 3 iconst_0 4 idiv 5 istore_2 j 1 0 6 iconst_4..
Why does this go into an infinite loop? throws java.lang.Exception Code 0 iconst_0 1 istore_1 2 iload_1 3 iconst_3 4 if_icmpge 22 7 iload_1 8 iinc 1 1 11.. iload_1 3 iconst_3 4 if_icmpge 22 7 iload_1 8 iinc 1 1 11 istore_1 12 getstatic #2 Field java lang System.out Ljava io PrintStream..
How to convert from int to String? public static void main java.lang.String Code 0 iconst_5 1 istore_1 Initialise the StringBuilder 2 new #2 class java lang StringBuilder..
Loop counter in Java API is the bytecode 1st for loop decrement 2 0 0 iconst_2 1 istore_1 i 2 2 goto 8 5 inc 1 1 i 1 8 iload_1 9 ifge 5 if i 0 goto 5.. 5 if i 0 goto 5 2nd for loop increment 0 2 12 iconst_0 13 istore_1 i 0 14 goto 20 17 inc 1 1 i 1 20 iload_1 21 iconst 2 22 if_icmple..
Why are compiled Java class files smaller than C compiled files? its bytecode is 0 iconst_0 1 istore_0 lo 0 2 iconst_1 3 istore_1 hi 1 4 iload_1 5 sipush 10000 8 if_icmpge 26 while hi 10000.. 26 while hi 10000 11 iload_1 12 iload_0 13 iadd 14 istore_1 hi hi lo 15 iload_1 16 iload_0 17 isub 18 istore_0 lo hi lo..
String valueOf vs concatenation with empty string create resultant String public void foo Code 0 iconst_5 1 istore_1 2 new #2 class java lang StringBuilder 5 dup 6 invokespecial.. String version of int public void bar Code 0 iconst_5 1 istore_1 2 iload_1 3 invokestatic #8 Method java lang String.valueOf..
Accessing Java static final ivar value through reflection throws java.lang.Exception Code 0 bipush 100 2 istore_1 3 ldc #2 String String 5 astore_2 6 getstatic #3 Field CONST_OBJECT..