java Programming Glossary: imagefile
Test MultipartFormData in Play 2.0 FakeRequest new HttpPost http localhost 3333 blobupload FileBody imageFile new FileBody new File test resources test 1.jpg StringBody guid1.. reqEntity new MultipartEntity reqEntity.addPart key1 imageFile reqEntity.addPart key2 guid1 httppost.setEntity reqEntity HttpResponse..
How do I convert images between CMYK and RGB in ColdFusion (Java)? into any ImageIO supported format. String format gif File imageFile new File filename String rgbFilename filename BufferedImage.. rgbFilename filename BufferedImage image imageFile if image null int colorSpaceType image.getColorModel .getColorSpace.. op.filter image rgbImage rgbFilename changeExtension imageFile.getName format rgbFilename new File imageFile.getParent format..
Loading large images as thumbnails without memory issues in Java? Current code BufferedImage unscaledImage imageFile int unscaledHeight unscaledImage.getHeight int unscaledWidth..
How to develop screen capture to video application buf.setOffset 0 buf.setLength 0 ended true return String imageFile String images.elementAt nextImage nextImage System.err.println.. nextImage nextImage System.err.println reading image file imageFile Open a random access file for the next image. RandomAccessFile.. image. RandomAccessFile raFile raFile new RandomAccessFile imageFile r byte data null Check the input buffer type size. if buf.getData..