java Programming Glossary: image.setrgb
How do I flip an image horizontally flip with glReadPixels() Bufferedimage and out put with ImageIO? a BufferedImage with the RGB pixels then save as PNG image.setRGB 0 0 WIDTH HEIGHT pixels 0 WIDTH ImageIO.write image format..
Swing Worker : function get() toto for int i 0 i height i for int j 0 j width j image.setRGB j i 0 else System.out.println tata for int i 0 i height.. tata for int i 0 i height i for int j 0 j width j image.setRGB j i fa.color palette background j height 1 i .asPackedRGB ..
Set BufferedImage alpha mask in Java
QR Code encoding and decoding using zxing y for int x 0 x width x int grayValue array y x 0xff image.setRGB x y grayValue 0 0 0xFFFFFF write the image to the output stream..
Swing method akin to HTML5's canvas.putImageData(arrayOfPixels, 0,0) int i 0 for int row 0 row H row for int col 0 col W col image.setRGB col row clut.get pi.get i if i pi.size i 0 private static..
Extract cursor image in Java x for int y 0 y width y int rgb gdi32.GetPixel hdc x y image.setRGB x y rgb gdi32.DeleteObject bitmap gdi32.DeleteDC hdc public.. 0x00FFFFFF 0 int rgb image.getRGB x y rgb 0xFF000000 rgb image.setRGB x y rgb User32.dll interface public interface User32 extends..
Convert short[] into a grayscale image i 0 i VERTICAL_PIXELS i for int k 0 k HORIZONTAL_PIXELS k image.setRGB k i normalized getArrayIndex k i HORIZONTAL_PIXELS The problem.. HORIZONTAL_PIXELS BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB image.setRGB 0 0 VERTICAL_PIXELS HORIZONTAL_PIXELS pixels 0 VERTICAL_PIXELS..