java Programming Glossary: im
java.util.Date is using TimeZone? is using TimeZone I have 2 different computers each with different TimeZone... I have 2 different computers each with different TimeZone. In one computer im printing System.currentTimeMillis and.. computers each with different TimeZone. In one computer im printing System.currentTimeMillis and then prints the following..
Java Applet Game 2D Window Scrolling a 2D RPG Game in a Java Applet. Right now I've got a simple oval that the player can use Left Right Up and Down to move.. want them only to see 600px by 400x of the screen at one time. If they keep moving right I want the screen to follow them.. Can anyone tell me how to do this Here is my code so far import java.awt. import java.awt.event.KeyEvent import java.applet.Applet..
Password Verification with PBKDF2 in Java Verification with PBKDF2 in Java im doing password based file encryption in Java. Im using AES as.. spec includes an optional 2 byte verification value but im not sure how to generate this value using the above approach... if not what would be a secure alternative Thanks for your time. java cryptography passwords aes share improve this question..
Using Graphics2D to overlay text on a BufferedImage and return a BufferedImage BufferedImage and return a BufferedImage I have checked similarly named questions but they don't answer this use case. Basically.. a package protected BufferedImage Process2 BufferedImage image Graphics2D gO image.createGraphics gO.setColor BufferedImage Process2 BufferedImage image Graphics2D gO image.createGraphics gO.setColor gO.setFont new Font..
Killing thread after some specified time limit in Java thread after some specified time limit in Java Is there a way to kill a child thread after.. thread after some specified time limit in Java Is there a way to kill a child thread after some.. there a way to kill a child thread after some specified time limit in Java Edit Also this particular thread may be blocked..
Get highest frequency terms from Lucene index the proposed solutions needless to say maybe speed is not important since I would do static analysis I would put accent on.. since I would do static analysis I would put accent on simplicity of implementation because im not so skilled with Lucene.. do static analysis I would put accent on simplicity of implementation because im not so skilled with Lucene and cant wrap..
JPanel in puzzle game not updating in puzzle game not updating I have a simple puzzle game. There is an image consisting of 16 tiles randomly.. not updating I have a simple puzzle game. There is an image consisting of 16 tiles randomly placed . Images are stored.. they're added to main JPanel. Game works in this way Each image has atributes 'place' and 'number'. 'Place' is the current..
Android: setting a spinner onClickListener() on a Spinner but i get the following error Java.lang.RuntimeException is Don't call setOnClickListener for an AdapterView... probably want setOnItemClickListener instead the thing is im sure I want to call onClickListener and NOT onItemClickListener... the spinner by supplying the layout android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item Do a findViewById to get..
Java: export to an .jar file in eclipse To my project in I have added some pictures and pdf. When im exporting to jar file it seems that only the main has ben compiled.. file. But how java eclipse executable extract exe share improve this question No need for external plugins. In the Export..
Redirecting System.out to JTextPane only redirected when the application launches. But any time after launch the System.out calls are not redirected to the.. text null catch BadLocationException e throw new RuntimeException e textPane.setCaretPosition doc.getLength 1 private.. new PrintStream out true java swing share improve this question Piped streams always confuse me which is..
Rotating a shape vertically around the x-axis the x axis I have a 2d graph with an x and y axis and im trying to rotate a shape series of points around an axis. This.. axis. This rotation will need to include a scale function. import java.awt. import java.awt.event. import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform.. will need to include a scale function. import java.awt. import java.awt.event. import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform import..
Database not copying from assets ill just paste my code hoping that someone will see what im missing Database.Java package gr.peos import will see what im missing Database.Java package gr.peos import import import.. package gr.peos import import import import
calling java methods in javascript code [closed] Java code embedded in browser. here is an exemple of what im talking about in my webpage i have a javascript code here is.. function to get name get id and date. well i think this time im clear D i searched a way to call java methods in javascript.. to get name get id and date. well i think this time im clear D i searched a way to call java methods in javascript..
Calendar view for android api < 11 in api 11 calender view but it doesn't inflate it when im using api 8 which I need... Is there any way to solve it PS.. show this information. java android view calendar share improve this question As you mentioned there is no way to show..
JTextArea appending problems appending problems Im making a backup program and I want everything that i have the..
Using Prepared Statements to set Table Name Prepared Statements to set Table Name Im trying to use prepared statements to set a table name to select..
Java JTree directory structure from file paths and index 1 of the array. The issues that I have is that Im not sure how to navigate the tree in such a way. Any suggestions..
Best Way to Write Bytes in the Middle of a File in Java this basically reads n bytes in the file f.write Im in teh fil writn bites .getBytes f.close share improve this..
Add Jar File to Buildpath in Windows Command Line Jar File to Buildpath in Windows Command Line Im quite annoyed at having to ask this but I cant get it to work... COMMAND LINE but first add the jars to the buildpath Im not sure how I go about this When I try to do it it says that.. in command prompt Thanks Philip EDIT Thanks for the help Im having alot of trouble getting it to work tho Currently I have..
Password Verification with PBKDF2 in Java in Java im doing password based file encryption in Java. Im using AES as the underlying encryption algorithm and PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1..
Java Concurrency: CAS vs Locking Concurrency CAS vs Locking Im currently reading the Book Java Concurrency in Practice . In..
Android: setting a spinner onClickListener() setting a spinner onClickListener Im trying to get an onClickListener to fire on a Spinner but i..
Deep copy of an object array its failing those tests. So theres an error an here that Im not sure what it is. java arrays constructor object copy ..
Java: export to an .jar file in eclipse export to an .jar file in eclipse Im trying to export a program in eclipse to a .jar file. To my..
How to modify the header of a HttpUrlConnection to modify the header of a HttpUrlConnection Im trying to improve the Java Html Document a little but i'm running..
Database not copying from assets same code on the emulator the database isnt copied over Im not picking on any exception . To be exact the android metadata..
Eclipse crashes at startup; Exit code=13 I am trying to work with Eclipse Helios on my x64 machine Im pretty sure now that this problem could occur with any eclipse..
Putting a simple expression language into java a simple expression language into java Im my Java application users can specify how to name their files..
Java Byte Array to String to Byte Array Both of these are different from my sent data... I'm sure Im missing something truly simple.... Any help java string byte..
Changing the image of a h:commandButton using CSS 3 This is how i access the css from the body of my page Im sure this is correct because other classes in the same document..
XML data to PostgreSql database XML data that i get from webpage into Postgresql database Im using Java and need little help finding good way to read this..
Hibernate using JPA (annotated Entities) and liquibase hbm2ddl_auto property if you are using xml mapping. But Im using JPA annotation hibernate annotations . Is it possible..
Calendar view for android api < 11 view for android api 11 Im having an html table with dates and details. I want to show..
Are Java static initializers thread safe? I cannot guarantee when this code block will be called Im guessing its when the Classloader first loads it. I realize.. only ever be called once addController new FooControllerImpl private static void addController IFooController controller.. FooRegistry.class addController new FooControllerImpl private static void addController IFooController controller..