java Programming Glossary: iload_0
Java OutOfMemoryError strange behaviour void test int Code 0 iconst_0 1 istore_1 2 goto 12 5 iload_0 6 newarray long 8 astore_2 9 iinc 1 1 12 iload_1 13 iconst_1.. 9 iinc 1 1 12 iload_1 13 iconst_1 14 if_icmplt 5 17 iload_0 18 newarray long 20 astore_1 21 return and without static void.. astore_1 21 return and without static void test int Code 0 iload_0 1 newarray long 3 astore_1 4 iload_0 5 newarray long 7 astore_1..
Should Java methods be static by default? iload_2 2 imul 3 iconst_1 4 iadd 5 ireturn See there's no iload_0 It has been loaded unnecessarily. With static methods Now if.. are actually at positions 0 and 1 as we can see here 0 iload_0 1 iload_1 2 imul 3 iconst_1 4 iadd 5 ireturn Conclusion From..
Why are compiled Java class files smaller than C compiled files? 5 sipush 10000 8 if_icmpge 26 while hi 10000 11 iload_1 12 iload_0 13 iadd 14 istore_1 hi hi lo 15 iload_1 16 iload_0 17 isub 18.. 12 iload_0 13 iadd 14 istore_1 hi hi lo 15 iload_1 16 iload_0 17 isub 18 istore_0 lo hi lo 19 iload_0 20 invokestatic #12.. lo 15 iload_1 16 iload_0 17 isub 18 istore_0 lo hi lo 19 iload_0 20 invokestatic #12 print lo 23 goto 4 end of while loop 26..