java Programming Glossary: imagearray
Drawing a graphical histogram for int c 0 c array r .length c array r c scan.nextInt imageArray array repaint catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace..
Different text for each image in image viewpager extends PagerAdapter Activity activity int imageArray public ImagePagerAdapter Activity act int imgArra imageArray.. public ImagePagerAdapter Activity act int imgArra imageArray imgArra activity act public int getCount return imageArray.length.. imageArray imgArra activity act public int getCount return imageArray.length public Object instantiateItem View collection int position..
Infinite Scrolling Image ViewPager extends PagerAdapter Activity activity int imageArray String stringArray public ImagePagerAdapter Activity act int.. Activity act int imgArra String stringArra imageArray imgArra activity act stringArray stringArra public int getCount.. act stringArray stringArra public int getCount return imageArray.length public Object instantiateItem View collection int position..
Java slideshow image delay using paintComponent Added a wrapper class ArrayWrapper to allow passing imageArray i and its corresponding index int i with publish to process... int arraySize private String trickName private Image imageArray public ImageWorker int arraySize int currentPosition String.. trick @Override public Image doInBackground imageArray new Image arraySize for int i currentPosition i currentPosition..
What is the best way to serialize an image (compatible with Swing) from Java to Android? public static BufferedImage byteArrayToImage byte imageArray throws IOException return new ByteArrayInputStream.. IOException return new ByteArrayInputStream imageArray Android side BitmapFactory.Options opt new BitmapFactory.Options..