java Programming Glossary: illegalstateexception
How to do query auto-completion/suggestions in Lucene? long is fine... if wordsMap.containsKey word throw new IllegalStateException This should never happen in Lucene 2.3.2 wordsMap.put word wordsMap.get..
Java Regex Replace with Capturing Group 1 catch Exception e e.printStackTrace It throws an IllegalStateException No match found But Pattern regex Pattern.compile d 1 2 Matcher..
Should I close the servlet outputstream? [duplicate] body. If it would ever happen then this will cause an IllegalStateException in the appserver logs but this wouldn't affect the client so.. plays a role in the response. They just ignore the IllegalStateException s in the logs. Needless to say that this particular purpose..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot forward after response has been committed Cannot forward after response has been committed int noOfRows.. is true then the chance is big that you will get an IllegalStateException Cannot forward after response has been committed . This is regardless..
Forcing a save as dialogue from any web browser from JSF application you call FacesContext#responseComplete afterwards to avoid IllegalStateException s flying around. Kickoff example public void download throws..
How do I execute a sequence of servlets? is not suitable here since it throws IllegalStateException when the response headers are already committed. This will be..
Preferred Java way to ping a HTTP Url for availability true catch final MalformedURLException e throw new IllegalStateException Bad URL url e catch final IOException e Service url..
What is a stack trace, and how can I use it to debug my application errors? looks like try .... catch NullPointerException e throw new IllegalStateException A book has a null property e This might give you a stack trace.. trace that looks like Exception in thread main java.lang.IllegalStateException A book has a null property at com.example.myproject.Author.getBookIds..
how can I convert String to SecretKey valid AES key catch GeneralSecurityException e throw new IllegalStateException Unexpected exception during encryption e public static String.. return null catch GeneralSecurityException e throw new IllegalStateException Unexpected exception during decryption e Usage String plain..
How do I use the Jersey JSON POJO support? ENTITY_PACKAGE catch final JAXBException ex throw new IllegalStateException Could not resolve JAXBContext. ex public JAXBContext getContext..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e throw new IllegalStateException e String composedResponse api_key URLEncoder.encode apiKey.. sig md5 sig catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e throw new IllegalStateException e String composedResponse api_key URLEncoder.encode apiKey..
Online radio streaming app for Android catch IllegalArgumentException e e.printStackTrace catch IllegalStateException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace..
Can't get ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from Future<?> and SwingWorker if thread starts Executor catch ExecutionException ee ee.printStackTrace catch IllegalStateException is is.printStackTrace but output is still and only Got exception..
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager showed to update the data sometimes but others I got an IllegalStateException Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState. My second..
How to log response content from a java web server throws IOException if writer null throw new IllegalStateException getWriter has already been called on this response. if outputStream.. throws IOException if outputStream null throw new IllegalStateException getOutputStream has already been called on this response. if..