java Programming Glossary: imageid
Writing image to servlet response with best performance of images and implement its doGet method as follows. Long imageId Long.valueOf request.getPathInfo .substring 1 123 Image image.. .substring 1 123 Image image imageDAO.find imageId Get Image from DB. Image class is just a Javabean with the following..
How to display an image in jsp? jpeg content type. in your HTML img src getImage.action imageId id_of_the_image in the servlet mapped to getImage.action get.. get the ID of the image from the request parameters String imageId request.getParameter imageId byte imageData getImageFromDatabase.. the request parameters String imageId request.getParameter imageId byte imageData getImageFromDatabase imageId response.setContentType.. Stream closed userid ImageDAO imageDAO new ImageDAO try List Image imageId imageDAO.listNames image if imageId null check if imageId is.. try List Image imageId imageDAO.listNames image if imageId null check if imageId is retreived request.setAttribute imageId.. imageId imageDAO.listNames image if imageId null check if imageId is retreived request.setAttribute imageId imageId Redirect it..
Testing Spring MVC annotation mapppings getImage public String getImage @RequestParam imageId int imageId Map String Object model model.put image ImageService.getImage.. getImage public String getImage @RequestParam imageId int imageId Map String Object model model.put image ImageService.getImage.. String Object model model.put image ImageService.getImage imageId This is all well and good but now I want to test that an http..
Retrieving images using Jquery and servlet produces HTTP Status 500 error rs.getString imagedisc .trim info.setImageid rs.getInt imageid info.setalbumid rs.getInt albumid byte imageData rs.getBytes.. class ImageFileInfo String name null String disc null int imageid 0 int albumid 0 InputStream thumbarray InputStream fullarray.. this.disc disc public void setImageid int Imageid this.imageid Imageid public void setalbumid int albumid this.albumid albumid..
Exact Phrase search using Lucene? Field.TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS_OFFSETS doc.add new Field imageid imageDocument.getImageId Field.Store.YES Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED.. Stream closed return imageId In JSP code c forEach items imageId var imageid img src Photos imageid c forEach In PhotoServlet doGet method.. code c forEach items imageId var imageid img src Photos imageid c forEach In PhotoServlet doGet method to get a photo protected.. response throws ServletException IOException String imageid request.getPathInfo .substring 1 if imageid null check for null..