java Programming Glossary: image.getwidth
JComponents not showing up with picture background? public Dimension getPreferredSize return new Dimension image.getWidth image.getHeight This is where the actual Painting Code for..
Java: maintaining aspect ratio of JPanel background image method double factor getScaledFactorToFit new Dimension image.getWidth image.getHeight getSize int scaledWidth image.getWidth scale.. image.getWidth image.getHeight getSize int scaledWidth image.getWidth scale int scaledHeight image.getWidth scale This will automatically.. int scaledWidth image.getWidth scale int scaledHeight image.getWidth scale This will automatically take care of the aspect ratio..
Using Graphics2D to overlay text on a BufferedImage and return a BufferedImage e e.printStackTrace this.setPreferredSize new Dimension image.getWidth image.getHeight image process image private BufferedImage process..
How to rotate an image gradually in Swing? Color.lightGray this.setPreferredSize new Dimension image.getWidth null image.getHeight null this.addMouseListener new MouseAdapter.. 2 this.getHeight 2 g2d.rotate theta g2d.translate image.getWidth null 2 image.getHeight null 2 g2d.drawImage image 0 0 null @Override..
Java2D Graphics anti-aliased Sample public BITest this.setPreferredSize new Dimension image.getWidth image.getHeight @Override protected void paintComponent Graphics..
Bringing JFileChooser on top of all windows image null return new Dimension else return new Dimension image.getWidth image.getHeight @Override public void paintComponent Graphics..
Cut out image in shape of text textEffect BufferedImage image BufferedImage text if image.getWidth text.getWidth image.getHeight text.getHeight throw new IllegalArgumentException.. are not the same BufferedImage img new BufferedImage image.getWidth image.getHeight BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE for int.. for int y 0 y image.getHeight y for int x 0 x image.getWidth x int textPixel text.getRGB x y int textAlpha textPixel 0xFF000000..
Java - get pixel array from image int convertTo2DUsingGetRGB BufferedImage image int width image.getWidth int height image.getHeight int result new int height width for.. image.getRaster .getDataBuffer .getData final int width image.getWidth final int height image.getHeight final boolean hasAlphaChannel..
Smoothing a jagged path image this.image image imageTwoTone new BufferedImage image.getWidth image.getHeight BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB public void drawOutline.. new JLabel Smoothed Outline imageOutline new BufferedImage image.getWidth image.getHeight BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB labelOutline new..
How do I set hard limit on a JComponent when setMaximumSize() and setPrefferedSize() don't work? ImageIcon test.gif fooLabel.setPreferredSize new Dimension image.getWidth null image.getHeight null JScrollPane fooScrollPane new JScrollPane.. new JScrollPane label this.pack int w Math.min MAX_SIZE image.getWidth null int h Math.min MAX_SIZE image.getHeight null Insets i..
Stretch a JLabel text public Dimension getPreferredSize return new Dimension image.getWidth 2 image.getHeight 2 @Override protected void paintComponent..