java Programming Glossary: image.scale_smooth
How do you create a thumbnail image out of a JPEG in Java? new File test.jpg .getScaledInstance 100 100 BufferedImage.SCALE_SMOOTH This will create a 100x100 pixels thumbnail as an Image object... new File test.jpg .getScaledInstance 100 100 Image.SCALE_SMOOTH 0 0 null ImageIO.write img jpg new File test_thumb.jpg Also..
Java: maintaining aspect ratio of JPanel background image scaled image.getScaledInstance scaleWidth scaleHeight Image.SCALE_SMOOTH int width getWidth 1 int height getHeight 1 int x width scaled.getWidth..
How do I resize images inside an application when the application window is resized? scaled image.getScaledInstance scaleWidth scaleHeight Image.SCALE_SMOOTH int width getWidth 1 int height getHeight 1 int x width scaled.getWidth..
Convert a JPanel to an image in a JScrollPane images 0 09 Naruto_newshot.png .getScaledInstance 200 200 Image.SCALE_SMOOTH catch Exception ex ex.printStackTrace final ImagePanel imagePanel..
add thumnails to spring layout like a grid? height 1 img img.getScaledInstance width height Image.SCALE_SMOOTH @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize return new Dimension..
JAVA scale Image best practice scaledImage img.getScaledInstance int width int height Image.SCALE_SMOOTH BufferedImage imageBuff new BufferedImage int width int height..
Swing: Obtain Image of JFrame img.getWidth null 2 img.getHeight null 2 Image.SCALE_SMOOTH try write the image as a PNG ImageIO.write img png new..
resizing image java getScaledInstance Image image ii.getImage .getScaledInstance 50 50 Image.SCALE_SMOOTH the image is not being scaled what is wrong with the code java..