java Programming Glossary: imagepane
AffineTransform.rotate() - how do I xlate, rotate, and scale at the same time? height there's a answer somewhere for that to public class ImagePane extends JPanel private BufferedImage masterImage private BufferedImage.. masterImage private BufferedImage renderedImage public ImagePane BufferedImage image masterImage image applyRotation 0 @Override..
Place JLabel on top of JLabel with image in
Change the angle/position of a drawing with a algorithm in Java gbc new GridBagConstraints mainPane.add new ImagePane image 0 mainPane.add new ImagePane image 90 mainPane.add new.. mainPane.add new ImagePane image 0 mainPane.add new ImagePane image 90 mainPane.add new ImagePane image 180 frame.add mainPane.. 0 mainPane.add new ImagePane image 90 mainPane.add new ImagePane image 180 frame.add mainPane frame.pack frame.setLocationRelativeTo..
add thumnails to spring layout like a grid? .gif imagesPane.removeAll for File file files try ImagePane pane new ImagePane file imagesPane.add pane catch Exception.. for File file files try ImagePane pane new ImagePane file imagesPane.add pane catch Exception exp exp.printStackTrace.. add scan BorderLayout.SOUTH public class ImagePane extends JPanel private Image img public ImagePane File source..