java Programming Glossary: iirc
Why must jUnit's fixtureSetup be static? in the .class file is unspecified compiler dependent IIRC Java's reflection API returns the methods in the same order..
IOException while reading from InputStream developers isn't showing up so I'll try reposting it here IIRC this problem comes from trying to access files that were compressed..
How to test for equality of complex object graphs? get the contextual information in the form of an XPath IIRC telling you where the objects differ. e.g. from the XMLUnit..
Is conversion to String using (“” + <int value>) bad practice?
How to handle a static final field initializer that throws checked exception don't then an alternative is to use a static method. IIRC Josh Bloch recommends this in Effective Java. public static..
Why implicit type inference only works in an assignment? I can't do chained method call like C c a.b .c In Delphi IIRC you have to do B b a.b C c b.c Looks like a 'dejavu' java generics..
What's the best way to add a self-update feature to a Java Swing application? of the application main class. It is not very complicated. IIRC I needed to do this because the jars could not be overwritten..
Why GWT? Advantages and Trade-Offs of Using This RIA Framework is a quote from one of the presentations on Google IO 2009 IIRC many more.. Take a look at the videos from Google IO 2009 and..
Where to put a shared library in JBoss AS 5? server thus all deployed apps and their modules. However IIRC they don't have precedence so if you bring that lib e.g. in..
How to debug Java code when using ANT script in Eclipse the java ant task you should add two jvm parameters jvmarg IIRC to turn on debugging Xdebug Xrunjdwp transport dt_socket server..
Importing external .jar file to Android project [duplicate] JAR should allow you to pick the one out of your project. IIRC this works with Eclipse. If you decide someday to dump Eclipse..
Is there any disadvantage to putting API code into a JAR along with the classes? will show the javadoc comments for code completion. IIRC there are few open source projects that do this like JMock...
How are secure database connections usually implemented in JAR files? to encrypt the connection details username and or password IIRC aren't .jar files just glorified ZIP archives and couldn't anyone..
Java: array initialization syntax initialization constructs were not in Java 1.0 and IIRC were added in Java 1.1. But why is immaterial ... the restriction..
On-the-fly, in-memory java code compilation for Java 5 and Java 6 is written in Beanshell should run any 100 java code IIRC and I believe Groovy can run most java code possibly all. share..
Stack with find-min/find-max more efficient than O(n)? you could use the provided Java Stack class though IIRC it has some overhead due to synchronization that might be unnecessary..
Can one obtain actual stack size used by a thread in Java after some time of running? get profiler access to. EDIT2 In response to one answer at IIRC 256Kb per thread I have wondered for a while now how close that..
what eclipse GUI builder plugin do you suggest [duplicate] nice GUI builder Matisse4MyEclipse borrowed from NetBeans IIRC . You will probably want to settle on a Java IDE as part of..