

java Programming Glossary: graphs

Dynamically generate JFreeChart in servlet


generate JFreeChart in servlet I'm trying to generate graphs dynamically using JFreeChart as a result of some checkboxes..

Cytoscape like tools in java to build a graph


like tools in java to build a graph I need to build graphs as part of a project requirement. Suppose I have my inputs specified..

java multiple graphics [closed]


work. Right now I have it working where it sorts multiple graphs with the same sort but I need each graph to do a different sort..

What's a good Java API for creating Word documents? [closed]


I have to generate a Word document that contains tables graphs a table of contents and text. What's a good API to use for this.. good API to use for this How sure are you that it supports graphs ToCs and tables What are some hidden gotcha's in using them.. a template doc and just fill in some spaces with tables graphs etc. Edit Several good answers below each with their own faults..

Any recommended Java profiling tutorial? [closed]


ignore other things it tries to tell you about like call graphs recursion and self time. There are very few profilers that meet..

What is the best open-source java charting library? (other than jfreechart) [closed]


this question There is charts4j which is a charts and graphs API. It enables developers to programmatically create the charts..

How to solve circular reference in json serializer caused by hibernate bidirectional mapping?


dealing with cycles when dealing with traversing object graphs is to keep track of which objects you've seen so far using identity..

Suggest a simple NoSQL database for java project [closed]


than 1Mb for all Support for SQL with extension for links graphs and objects Native support for Security Run as embedded or in..

Java time-based map/cache with expiring keys


which can do exactly that. ConcurrentMap Key Graph graphs new MapMaker .concurrencyLevel 4 .softKeys .weakValues .maximumSize.. in favour of the new CacheBuilder Cache Key Graph graphs CacheBuilder.newBuilder .concurrencyLevel 4 .weakKeys .maximumSize..

Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed]


have been developed to display simple bar histograms line graphs and other simple data visualizations in Android There is a Google..

Good Java graph algorithm library?


To clarify I'm not looking for a library that produces graphs charts I'm looking for one that helps with Graph algorithms..

How do I get AppContext to release AWT components so they can be garbage collected?


is to exercise the target in a profiler. The first two graphs in this comparison show a small but steady increase in memory..

What is the difference between Serializable and Externalizable in Java?


reflection was very slow and so serializaing large object graphs e.g. in client server RMI applications was a bit of a performance..

Exporting JUNG graphs to hi-res images (preferably vector based)


JUNG graphs to hi res images preferably vector based In one of my projects..

How do you query object collections in Java (Criteria/SQL-like)?


How can I put axis on a .png file in java?


is just an example it looks nothing like what my actual graphs look like... My real graphs can have every rgb color value in.. nothing like what my actual graphs look like... My real graphs can have every rgb color value in them. I know how to create..