

java Programming Glossary: grails

any experience with “Play” java web development framework? [closed]


with Jason that Play might just prove to be better than Grails. With four Grails projects under my belt preceded by two Tapestry.. Play might just prove to be better than Grails. With four Grails projects under my belt preceded by two Tapestry projects and.. at Play next. One of the things I thought was cool about Grails is that everything's Groovy. That is you use Groovy to write..

What to learn for making Java web applications in Java EE 6? [closed]


why not Jetty or JBoss or just forget all this and go for Grails and bla bla bla... . But I don't think that this is really helping..

Choosing a Java Web Framework now? [closed]


based layout validation maximum html java code separation. Grails looked like a good choice however we do not want to use a scripting.. I'm really wondering what SpringSource is doing with Grails and Roo no Grails vs Roo why SpringSource is pushing two very.. what SpringSource is doing with Grails and Roo no Grails vs Roo why SpringSource is pushing two very similar technologies..

Creation timestamp and last update timestamp with Hibernate and MySQL


Where can i find a list of all the reference implementations for JEE6? [closed]


JBoss RESTEasy used in JBoss AS Apache CXF 2.x Apache Wink Grails JAX RS JavaServer Faces 2.0 JSR 314 Oracle Mojarra RI used in..

Best Web applications framework for Java? [closed]


looking for something that is similar to Rails look at Grails . It uses Groovy which is dynamic language but uses the Java..

How do I get a list of all HttpSession objects in a web application?


questions How to easily implement who is online in Grails or Java Application JSF How to invalidate an user session when..

Setting up scala with IntelliJ


This is Mac brew specific the same case is valid for grails installed via brew . Standard Scala distribution download has..

How is the Eclipse JDK setting affecting the system's JDK setting


manually before with no effect. java eclipse osx grails jdk share improve this question The JDK JAVA_HOME used to..

Found shared references to a collection org.hibernate.HibernateException


Person any idea why this happens java hibernate grails groovy gorm share improve this question Hibernate shows..

How to calculate elapsed time from now with Joda-Time?


I write the algorithm myself java algorithm datetime grails jodatime share improve this question To calculate the elapsed..

How to access java-classes in the default-package?


default package I'm working now together with others in a grails project. I have to write some Java classes. But I need access..

Image resize in Grails


Web Album using Grails and for image processing I am using grails image tools plugin. I need a functionality to resize the images.. is the most efficient way to do this Thanks a lot. java grails image processing frameworks share improve this question ..

Is Grails worth it? [closed]


rapid web development that I should be considering java grails share improve this question We had a team of 12 people all..

In Tomcat, java.lang.LinkageError: JAXB 2.1 API is being loaded from the bootstrap classloader


java.sun.com j2se 1.6.0 docs guide standards java tomcat grails jar jaxb share improve this question Put your JAXB 2.2 JARs..

CRUD: To Roo or not to Roo? [closed]


to use Grails anymore we have a list of allowed jars and grails is not there . I am considering using Spring ROO or JBoss Seam...

Copy entire directory contents to another directory?


contents to another directory in java or groovy . java grails file io groovy share improve this question FileUtils.copyDirectory..

What are the URLs of all the Maven Archetype catalogs that you know about?


plugin 2.0 alpha 4 generate DarchetypeGroupId org.grails DarchetypeArtifactId grails maven archetype DarchetypeVersion.. generate DarchetypeGroupId org.grails DarchetypeArtifactId grails maven archetype DarchetypeVersion 1.0 DarchetypeRepository http.. quickstart 4 local maven archetype webapp webapp 5 local grails maven archetype maven project 6 internal appfuse basic jsf AppFuse..