java Programming Glossary: gp
Java rectangle collision detection confusion GameLogic public GameLogic initComponents final GamePanel gp new GamePanel 500 500 private void initComponents JFrame frame.. Entity entity2 new Entity 300 200 100 100 createBlackImage gp.addEntity entity1 gp.addEntity entity2 just a standing still.. 300 200 100 100 createBlackImage gp.addEntity entity1 gp.addEntity entity2 just a standing still JPanel setGamePanelKeyBindings..
Threads with Key Bindings JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE create the gamepanel final GamePanel gp new GamePanel 600 500 create panel to hold buttons to start.. ActionEvent ae clear enitites currently in array gp.clearEntities ArrayList BufferedImage ballEntityImages new.. ballEntityTimings.add 500l Entity ballEntity new Entity gp.getWidth 2 gp.getHeight 2 ballEntityImages ballEntityTimings..
'Fill' Unicode characters in labels pi shape.getPathIterator null int ii 0 GeneralPath gp new GeneralPath while pi.isDone double coords new double 6.. coords int windingRule pi.getWindingRule gp.setWindingRule windingRule if pathSegmentType PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO.. windingRule if pathSegmentType PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO gp new GeneralPath gp.setWindingRule windingRule gp.moveTo coords..
How to add JTable in JPanel Graphics2D g bi.createGraphics GradientPaint gp new GradientPaint 20f 20f 180f 180f Color.yellow.. 20f 20f 180f 180f Color.yellow g.setPaint gp g.fillRect 0 0 200 200 ImageIcon ii new ImageIcon bi JLabel..
Swing: Obtain Image of JFrame imageGraphics image.createGraphics GradientPaint gp new GradientPaint 20f 20f 380f 280f 380f 280f imageGraphics.setPaint gp imageGraphics.fillRect 0 0 400 300 JLabel textLabel new JLabel..
Smoothing a jagged path BufferedImage bi construct the GeneralPath GeneralPath gp new GeneralPath boolean cont false int targetRGB target.getRGB.. yy bi.getHeight yy if bi.getRGB xx yy targetRGB if cont gp.lineTo xx yy gp.lineTo xx yy 1 gp.lineTo xx 1 yy 1 gp.lineTo.. if bi.getRGB xx yy targetRGB if cont gp.lineTo xx yy gp.lineTo xx yy 1 gp.lineTo xx 1 yy 1 gp.lineTo xx 1 yy gp.lineTo..