

java Programming Glossary: grammar

Java: Parse a mathematical expression given as a string and return a number


approach you could use ANTLR that I suspect has a math grammar as a starting point and actually compile interpret the statement..

If/else statements in ANTLR using listeners


I'm using ANTLR 4 to generate a lexer and a parser from my grammar. Until now I have been using ANTLRs listener pattern to apply.. and an if statement construct. 1. Grammar Here's a simple grammar supporting basic expressions if while and log statements Mu.g4.. basic expressions if while and log statements Mu.g4 grammar Mu parse block EOF block stat stat assignment if_stat while_stat..

varargs and the '…' argument


size is 1. I hope I have explained well. Probably a lot grammar faults 14 years old and Dutch speaking so forgive me. The bold..

How can we match a^n b^n with Java regex?


free language which can be generated by the context free grammar S aSb ab . Nonetheless modern day regex implementations clearly..

How does the Java array argument declaration syntax “…” work?


a small test and verified it works. So I pulled the java grammar to see where this syntax of argument declaration is but did.. the experts out there how does this work Is it part of the grammar Also while I can declare function like this I can't declare..

Parsing an arithmetic expression and building a tree from it in Java


any help at all. Thanks I read that you can write a grammar and use antlr JavaCC etc. to create the parse tree but I'm not.. tree but I'm not familiar with these tools or with writing grammars so if that's your solution I'd be grateful if you could provide.. Five minute introduction to ANTLR includes an arithmetic grammar example. It's worth checking out especially since antlr is open..

What does “…” mean in Java? [duplicate]


a small test and verified it works. So I pulled the java grammar to see where this syntax of argument declaration is but did.. the experts out there how does this work Is it part of the grammar Also while I can declare function like this I can't declare..

How a AST for an object oriented programming language would look like?


tree is the tree resulting from the productions in the grammar used to parse the file. So your AST is basically derived from.. parse the file. So your AST is basically derived from your grammar definition but has for transformed Exp Ident BinOp..

Javascript parser for Java


browse trunk src com google caja parser js Parser.java The grammar below is a context free representation of the grammar this parser.. The grammar below is a context free representation of the grammar this parser parses. It disagrees with EcmaScript 262 Edition..

SQL parser library for Java [closed]


share improve this question ANTLR has an ANSI SQL grammar available. You can use that to create your own parser. share..

Java modifiers syntax and format


style share improve this question From the official grammar of the Java Programming Language simplified Modifier Annotation..

Order of XML attributes after DOM processing


http apache.org xml features nonvalidating load dtd grammar false spf.setFeature http apache.org xml features nonvalidating..

Antlr IDE in Eclipse doesn't work


OK to close the project Properties window. Create an ANTLR grammar. Create a new ANTLR grammar right click the src folder of the.. window. Create an ANTLR grammar. Create a new ANTLR grammar right click the src folder of the project then File New Other.. expand ANTLR and select Combined Grammar. Click Next type grammar name select a Language option and click Finish. A g file is..