

java Programming Glossary: gray

Option menu default gray border removal


menu default gray border removal in my app i have option menu i try to customize.. refer it to style what i need is either removal of default gray border around option menu or customize it to another color ...

Program not accessing method paintComponent() of extended JPanel class


it looks like you want to update a component's Icon with a gray thumbnail. The example below creates grayscale icons from existing.. Icon with a gray thumbnail. The example below creates grayscale icons from existing sample icons and uses setIcon to do.. 0 0 w h icon.paintIcon null g2d 0 0 BufferedImage gray new BufferedImage w h BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY ColorConvertOp..

Java Bouncing Ball


ballcolor darkGray color Color.darkGray else if ballcolor gray color Color.gray else if ballcolor green color Color.green else.. color Color.darkGray else if ballcolor gray color Color.gray else if ballcolor green color Color.green else if ballcolor.. darkGray color Color.darkGray else if ballcolor gray color Color.gray else if ballcolor green color Color.green..

Threads with Key Bindings


break case cyan g2.setColor Color.CYAN break case gray g2.setColor Color.GRAY break default g2.setColor Color.WHITE..

Java - Transparent JScrollPane


shows a blue square that sticks to the viewport while the gray checkerboard may be scrolled over it. import java.awt. import..

Thumbnail of a PDF page (Java) [closed]


imageType BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED else if gray .equalsIgnoreCase color imageType BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY.. n color string The color depth valid bilevel indexed gray rgb rgba n resolution number The bitmap resolution in dpi n..

How to make a color transparent in a BufferedImage and save as PNG


question of my project manager. The function transforming gray to transparency is private Image TransformGrayToTransparency.. .createImage ip Actually it acts on a gray level image so I just copy a RGB component the R one to alpha..

Painting the slider icon of JSlider


marker or the thumb of the JSlider instead of the standard gray. How can I achieve this java swing look and feel jslider ..

Printing a large Swing component


this the component has the right size but prints as solid gray because the sub components have not been laid out JPanel c createPanel..

HTML5 File Upload to Java Servlet


#dropbox width 300px height 200px border 1px solid gray border radius 5px padding 5px color gray style head body.. 1px solid gray border radius 5px padding 5px color gray style head body div id dropbox Drag and drop a file here.....

Set Size of JComboBox PopupMenu


index html this.setText html head head body style color gray html body head return this this.setRenderer new searchRenderer.. t.length this.setText html head head body style color gray html body head return this this.setRenderer new searchRenderer..