

java Programming Glossary: gotchas

Converting a JFreeChart TimeSeries series with Day data to Week or Month data?


that. If it's been done in a library presumably all the gotchas gotten I would rather use that. The raw data is stored in Excel..

How does one instantiate an array of maps in Java?


to work just fine. See Java theory and practice Generics gotchas for a detailed explanation of why mixing arrays with generics..

Java - Common Gotchas [closed]


since that's what the voting is for. See also Perl Common gotchas .NET Common gotchas java share improve this question Comparing.. voting is for. See also Perl Common gotchas .NET Common gotchas java share improve this question Comparing equality of..

Java Sound API to access the system/master volume control in Vista and Win 7


JNI and C perhaps though I've never used JNI before... any gotchas to be aware of java windows 7 windows vista audio sound api..

Should source code be saved in UTF-8 format


add any reasons for doing so and why are there some common gotchas that should be known update What is your goal To find the best..

Setting multiple jars in java classpath


of the JVM. java cp Test.jar lib my.package.MainClass Key gotchas Use quotes Use only not .jar The above example and gotchas are.. gotchas Use quotes Use only not .jar The above example and gotchas are from other answers on this page. Thanks davorp et al Wim..

How to inject JPA EntityManager using spring


share improve this question Yes although it's full of gotchas since JPA is a bit peculiar. It's very much worth reading the..

Difference between double… and double[] in formal parameter type declaration


int 1 2 3 . See also Java language guide varargs Varargs gotchas How varargs are resolved is quite complicated and sometimes..

Windows: how to get a list of all visible windows?


back front or if a new window pops up etc. what would the gotchas be I know this question is not specific which is why I've tried..

Some (anti-)patterns on using assert (Java, and others)


finally are there any other useful use cases or annoying gotchas I missed here probably java language agnostic assert share..

How do I use Java to read from a file that is actively being written?


I assume it is possible to do this but what are the gotchas involved when using Java If the reading catches up to the writing..

Designing a Test class for a custom Barrier


up a thread to be interuptted You've spotted one of the gotchas where the main test thread will finish before the newly spawned..

Programmatically convert a video to FLV [closed]


other StackOverflow questions that talk about some of the gotchas using FFMpeg to create flvs that you can actually play in the..

Is Quercus a viable replacement for PHP in Java environments?


product How much of the php API is supported What are any gotchas you have had working with it Have you been able to make it work..

What are the pitfalls of a Java noob? [closed]


this question There's a collection of semi official gotchas known as the Java Puzzlers and documented in a book of the same..