java Programming Glossary: graph
Facebook offline access step-by-step as and click allow for the requested permissions https oauth authorize client_id APP_ID scope offline_access.. from the resulting url's query string use that in https oauth access_token client_id APP_ID redirect_uri.. HEXNUM USER_ID WEIRD_KEY 4 now download either from the graph api or the classic rest api using the oath access token you..
Dynamic Graphics Object Painting In Java I don't know about . I'm working on visually displaying a graph Various nodes with edges connecting them with circles and lines.. add for the node and then add it to whatever I have on the graph so far. And then same with the edges I want to be able to pass.. extends Canvas public MyCanvas public void paint Graphics graphics Keep this until I figured out if it's painted on load or..
How to I output org.w3c.dom.Element to string format in java? xml string including its child nodes the whole object graph . I am looking for a method that can convert the Element into..
Random errors when changing series using JFreeChart ex As you can see I want to change points on the graph every time it finishes 'some complicated computations' this.. doing wrong Or is there a better way to update refresh the graph java swing concurrency jfreechart share improve this question..
Hibernate JPA Sequence (non-Id)
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] good graphing packages for Android closed With Android removing the Swing.. have been developed to display simple bar histograms line graphs and other simple data visualizations in Android There is a.. built atop it that allows for the easy creation of graphical data Some solutions bandied about on the web have been just..
Good Java graph algorithm library? Java graph algorithm library Has anyone had good experiences with any.. To clarify I'm not looking for a library that produces graphs charts I'm looking for one that helps with Graph algorithms.. data structures in a nice Java OO API. java algorithm graph share improve this question If you were using JGraph you..
Android post picture to Facebook wall this question first thing is that you are not using graph api to upload the pictures... u r using the old rest api..... the pictures... u r using the old rest api... try to use graph api its simple... Use following code Bundle param new Bundle..
Rotating a shape vertically around the x-axis a shape vertically around the x axis I have a 2d graph with an x and y axis and im trying to rotate a shape series.. arrays is shown below. In general you can transform the graphics context g2d or the polygonal Shape itself p3 the example..
Java: deep copy, shallow copy, clone [duplicate] it stop at two levels Three levels Does it mean the whole graph of connected objects What about encapsulated data types e.g...
draw polar graph in java polar graph in java Does anyone know how I can get started to draw a polar.. Does anyone know how I can get started to draw a polar graph in java and plot some points on this graph I mean the circles.. to draw a polar graph in java and plot some points on this graph I mean the circles and lines I wish to do this with something..
How can I put axis on a .png file in java? values and of course there would be no axis labeling. This graph is just an example it looks nothing like what my actual graphs.. is just an example it looks nothing like what my actual graphs look like... My real graphs can have every rgb color value.. nothing like what my actual graphs look like... My real graphs can have every rgb color value in them. I know how to create..
Facebook offline access step-by-step share improve this question With the new Facebook Graph API things got a bit simpler but far less well documented. Here's..
Drawing a graphical histogram import java.awt.EventQueue import java.awt.Graphics import java.awt.Graphics2D import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.. import java.awt.Graphics import java.awt.Graphics2D import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D import java.util.Map import.. new BorderLayout frame.add new JScrollPane new Graph mapHistory frame.pack frame.setLocationRelativeTo null frame.setVisible..
Java time-based map/cache with expiring keys MapMaker which can do exactly that. ConcurrentMap Key Graph graphs new MapMaker .concurrencyLevel 4 .softKeys .weakValues.. 10 TimeUnit.MINUTES .makeComputingMap new Function Key Graph public Graph apply Key key return createExpensiveGraph key .. .makeComputingMap new Function Key Graph public Graph apply Key key return createExpensiveGraph key Update As of..
Unicode equivalents for \w and \b in Java regular expressions? Alpha p Alpha Digit p Digit Alnum p Alnum Punct p Punct Graph p Graph Print p Print Blank p Blank Cntrl p Cntrl XDigit p XDigit.. p Alpha Digit p Digit Alnum p Alnum Punct p Punct Graph p Graph Print p Print Blank p Blank Cntrl p Cntrl XDigit p XDigit Space..
Why Java Collection Framework doesn't contain Tree and Graph Java Collection Framework doesn't contain Tree and Graph I am familiar with Java Collection Framework which contains.. why the Framework doesn't contain structures as Tree and Graph which are basic collections. Both can be regarded as sub types.. why the Framework doesn't contain structures as Tree and Graph which are basic collections. Both can be regarded as sub types..
Good Java graph algorithm library? anyone had good experiences with any Java libraries for Graph algorithms. I've tried JGraph and found it ok and there are.. with any Java libraries for Graph algorithms. I've tried JGraph and found it ok and there are a lot of different ones in google... produces graphs charts I'm looking for one that helps with Graph algorithms eg minimum spanning tree Kruskal's algorithm Nodes..
How can I replace non-printable Unicode characters in Java? replace all ASCII non printable characters shorthand for p Graph x20 including accented characters my_string.replaceAll ^ p Print..
Setting Range for X,Y Axis-JfreeChart 1.0 I tried doing this Way but it's not reflecting on the Graph I don't know how to apply it to ChartFactory.createScatterPlot..