

java Programming Glossary: gradientpaint

Swing: resizing a JFrame like Frames in Linux e.g


protected void paintComponent Graphics g Paint p new GradientPaint 0.0f 0.0f new Color 0 0 0 0 0.0f getHeight new Color 0 0 0 0..

'Fill' Unicode characters in labels


gradient Color c1 baseColor.brighter Color c2 baseColor GradientPaint gp new GradientPaint sz 2 r.width 4 sz 2 r.height 4 c1 sz.. Color c2 baseColor GradientPaint gp new GradientPaint sz 2 r.width 4 sz 2 r.height 4 c1 sz 2 r.width 4 sz 2 r.height..

How to add JTable in JPanel


Graphics2D g bi.createGraphics GradientPaint gp new GradientPaint 20f 20f Color.red 180f 180f Color.yellow.. Graphics2D g bi.createGraphics GradientPaint gp new GradientPaint 20f 20f Color.red 180f 180f Color.yellow g.setPaint gp g.fillRect..

Swing: Obtain Image of JFrame


Graphics2D imageGraphics image.createGraphics GradientPaint gp new GradientPaint 20f 20f Color.red 380f 280f Color.orange.. imageGraphics image.createGraphics GradientPaint gp new GradientPaint 20f 20f Color.red 380f 280f Color.orange imageGraphics.setPaint..

How can I change the shape of a JTabbedPane tab?


int w int h boolean isSelected Graphics2D g2D Graphics2D g GradientPaint gradientShadow int xp null Para la forma int yp null switch.. w x w x yp new int y y h 3 y h 3 y y gradientShadow new GradientPaint x y new Color 100 100 255 x y h Color.ORANGE break case RIGHT.. x w 2 x yp new int y y h 3 y h 3 y y gradientShadow new GradientPaint x y new Color 100 100 255 x y h new Color 153 186 243 break..

JTable how to change BackGround Color


0 1 h g2.setComposite AlphaComposite.DstIn g2.setPaint new GradientPaint 0 0 new Color 0 0 0 0f 0 h new Color 0.5f 0.8f 0.8f 0.5f g2.fillRect.. 0 1 h g2.setComposite AlphaComposite.DstIn g2.setPaint new GradientPaint 0 0 new Color 0 0 0 0f 0 h new Color 0.5f 0.8f 0.8f 0.5f g2.fillRect.. 0 1 h g2.setComposite AlphaComposite.DstIn g2.setPaint new GradientPaint 0 0 new Color 0 0 0 0f 0 h new Color 0.5f 0.8f 0.8f 0.5f g2.fillRect..

Passing current Date


0 1 h g2.setComposite AlphaComposite.DstIn g2.setPaint new GradientPaint 0 0 new Color 0 0 0 0f 0 h new Color 0.8f 0.8f 0.8f 0.5f g2.fillRect..