

java Programming Glossary: grey

How to add checkbox to JTree node to manage multiselection?


DONT_CARE state when the checkbox is selected and armed grey and NOT_SELECTED when the checkbox is deselected. private State.. return SELECTED else if isSelected isArmed don't care grey tick return DONT_CARE else normal deselected return NOT_SELECTED..

Swing: remove focus border from dialogues' buttons


from dialogues' buttons I wonder how can I remove this grey border from buttons in dialogues For simple JButtons I found..

Tinting Image in Java improvement


I plan on doing this tinting on many images most having a grey ish tone to them so they are easy to be tinted at runtime about..

Java 2D Game: repaint(); makes window grey


2D Game repaint makes window grey I'm trying to make a 2D game in Java but when I call the repaint.. when I call the repaint method in a thread there's an odd grey only window. Here's the source code I have so far Spaceshooter.java..

java thread.sleep puts swing ui to sleep too


select the directory and the method runs the ui panel goes grey and the swing bits disappear. The thread seems to be putting..

android color between two colors, based on percentage?


colors at around 50 being more lightend as I use them on a grey background.. how can I accomplish that Thanks UPDATE I tried..

JTable disable Checkbox in Cell


Checkbox in Cell Hello I have a JTable And i want to grey out all the disabled checkbox cells i tried with a custom renderer..

Reason for the exsistance of non-short-circuit logical operators


They can be true or false there are no shades of grey. But and deal with bits not booleans. The result is a number...

jtable cellrenderer changes backgroundcolor of cells while running


color it to Yellow. If the data is 'N' then color it to Grey. import java.awt.Color import java.awt.Component import java.awt.EventQueue..

Thread Dump Analysis Tool / Method [closed]


image in that link. The Green cells are fine. Red and Grey cells need looking at. A Samurai example from my own web app..

Painting in a BufferedImage inside Swing


java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt color 2 Grey private void jRadioButton7ActionPerformed java.awt.event.ActionEvent.. void jRadioButton5ActionPerformed ActionEvent evt color 2 Grey private void jRadioButton7ActionPerformed ActionEvent evt color..

Convert SVG to PDF


Using nested enum types in Java


HERBAL_TEA Herbal DrinkType.TEA EARL_GREY Earl Grey DrinkType.TEA private final String label private final DrinkType.. Blend Coffee Ethiopian Blend Tea Mint Tea Herbal Tea Earl Grey Now then if for some reason you didn't want all your drinks..