

java Programming Glossary: graphics.setcolor

Custom List Field click event


on XYRect rect new XYRect graphics.setGlobalAlpha 150 graphics.setColor Color.BLUE getFocusRect rect drawHighlightRegion graphics HIGHLIGHT_FOCUS.. final Bitmap nevBar listRander.getNavBar list border graphics.setColor Color.GRAY graphics.drawRect 0 y w _MAX_ROW_HEIGHT thumbnail.. 0 y w _MAX_ROW_HEIGHT thumbnail border thumbnail image graphics.setColor Color.BLACK graphics.drawRoundRect margin 2 y margin 2 thumb.getWidth..

How to make a screen like this on Blackberry


the middle section blue int oldColor graphics.getColor graphics.setColor Color.LIGHTBLUE graphics.fillRect 0 TITLE_AND_FOOTER_HEIGHT.. getWidth TEXT_HEIGHT super.paint graphics graphics.setColor oldColor graphics.setBackgroundColor oldBgColor public void..

Custom button not working on mac (ButtonUI)


button.isContentAreaFilled Dimension size button.getSize graphics.setColor getSelectColor graphics.fillRect 0 0 size.width size.height..

Java - opaque color


lists. Point similar null Iterator Point secondIterator graphics.setColor colorOfSimilar while iterator.hasNext Point point iterator.next..

Exporting JUNG graphs to hi-res images (preferably vector based)


Graphics2D graphics im.createGraphics graphics.setColor bg graphics.fillRect 0 0 width height paintComponent graphics..