java Programming Glossary: gridbagconstraints
How do I use GridBayLayout in Java (Swing) to generate this particular image in my frame? with the weightx weighty gridheight gridwidth values in GridBagConstraints but I can't achieve my goals here. Note that the second red.. is my latest attempt by trying to use a 3x6 grid c is the GridBagConstraints object characterPortraits contain all the portraits and currentScreen.. portraits and currentScreen is the 'Action Pane' c.fill GridBagConstraints.BOTH c.weightx 0.25 c.weighty 1 6 c.gridx 0 c.gridy 0 c.gridheight..
JComponents not showing up with picture background? true JPanel mainp new JPanel new GridBagLayout GridBagConstraints c new GridBagConstraints window.add mainp BufferedImage myPicture.. new JPanel new GridBagLayout GridBagConstraints c new GridBagConstraints window.add mainp BufferedImage myPicture new File..
How to add close button to a JTabbedPane Tab? lblTitle new JLabel title JButton btnClose new JButton x GridBagConstraints gbc new GridBagConstraints gbc.gridx 0 gbc.gridy 0 gbc.weightx.. JButton btnClose new JButton x GridBagConstraints gbc new GridBagConstraints gbc.gridx 0 gbc.gridy 0 gbc.weightx 1 pnlTab.add lblTitle gbc..
Java - Scroll to specific text inside JTextArea Exception e JPanel header new JPanel new GridBagLayout GridBagConstraints gbc new GridBagConstraints gbc.gridx 0 gbc.gridy 0 gbc.anchor.. new JPanel new GridBagLayout GridBagConstraints gbc new GridBagConstraints gbc.gridx 0 gbc.gridy 0 gbc.anchor GridBagConstraints.WEST.. new GridBagConstraints gbc.gridx 0 gbc.gridy 0 gbc.anchor GridBagConstraints.WEST header.add findField gbc gbc.gridx header.add findButton..
Providing white space in a Swing GUI GridLayout.getVgap and GridLayout.setVgap 4. GridBagLayout GridBagConstraints.insets 5. CardLayout example CardLayout int hGap int vGap Example.. BorderLayout.PAGE_END private JButton buttons private GridBagConstraints gbc private JPanel borderPanel private JPanel flowPanel private.. public LayoutExample buttons new JButton 16 gbc new GridBagConstraints gbc.anchor GridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_START gbc.insets new..
how to handle bad file selection for image display in swing new JTextArea 10 10 addComponent filechooser 0 0 2 4 GridBagConstraints.CENTER GridBagConstraints.NONE addComponent canvas 2 0 2 2 GridBagConstraints.CENTER.. addComponent filechooser 0 0 2 4 GridBagConstraints.CENTER GridBagConstraints.NONE addComponent canvas 2 0 2 2 GridBagConstraints.CENTER GridBagConstraints.NONE.. GridBagConstraints.NONE addComponent canvas 2 0 2 2 GridBagConstraints.CENTER GridBagConstraints.NONE addComponent result 2 2 2 1 GridBagConstraints.CENTER..
Layering multiple GlassPane's in a Root Container background setLayout new GridBagLayout add message new GridBagConstraints message.setOpaque true message.setBorder MESSAGE_BORDER addMouseListener..
Filtering on a JTree gbl_panel JLabel lblFilter new JLabel Filter GridBagConstraints gbc_lblFilter new GridBagConstraints gbc_lblFilter.anchor GridBagConstraints.WEST.. new JLabel Filter GridBagConstraints gbc_lblFilter new GridBagConstraints gbc_lblFilter.anchor GridBagConstraints.WEST gbc_lblFilter.insets.. gbc_lblFilter new GridBagConstraints gbc_lblFilter.anchor GridBagConstraints.WEST gbc_lblFilter.insets new Insets 0 0 0 5 gbc_lblFilter.gridx..
Can I have a JTabbedPane with a JMenuBar? import java.awt.Dimension import java.awt.GridBagConstraints import java.awt.GridBagLayout import java.awt.Insets import.. true glassPane.setLayout new GridBagLayout GridBagConstraints gbc new GridBagConstraints gbc.weightx 1.0 gbc.weighty 1.0 gbc.fill.. new GridBagLayout GridBagConstraints gbc new GridBagConstraints gbc.weightx 1.0 gbc.weighty 1.0 gbc.fill GridBagConstraints.NONE..
Swing application -> Drag & drop to the desktop / folder private void initComponents java.awt.GridBagConstraints gridBagConstraints jLabel1 new javax.swing.JLabel jScrollPane1 new javax.swing.JScrollPane.. new java.awt.GridBagLayout jLabel1.setText Files gridBagConstraints new java.awt.GridBagConstraints gridBagConstraints.gridwidth.. Files gridBagConstraints new java.awt.GridBagConstraints gridBagConstraints.gridwidth java.awt.GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER gridBagConstraints.anchor..
How to hide the knob of jSlider? new Dimension 340 20 GridBagConstraints gridBagConstraintsSlider new GridBagConstraints gridBagConstraintsSlider.gridy.. gridBagConstraintsSlider new GridBagConstraints gridBagConstraintsSlider.gridy 0 gridBagConstraintsSlider.gridx 0 gridBagConstraintsSlider.fill.. new GridBagConstraints gridBagConstraintsSlider.gridy 0 gridBagConstraintsSlider.gridx 0 gridBagConstraintsSlider.fill GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL..