

c++ Programming Glossary: image2

OpenCV SURF function is not implemented


IplImage image1 cvLoadImage C SURF 1.jpg IplImage image2 cvLoadImage C SURF 2.jpg CvMemStorage memoryBlock cvCreateMemStorage.. CvSeq image1KeyPoints CvSeq image1Descriptors CvSeq image2KeyPoints CvSeq image2Descriptors Only values with a hessian.. CvSeq image1Descriptors CvSeq image2KeyPoints CvSeq image2Descriptors Only values with a hessian greater than 500 are considered..

OpenCV - Object matching using SURF descriptors and BruteForceMatcher


True matching False matching My code Mat image1 outImg1 image2 outImg2 vector of keypoints vector KeyPoint keypoints1 keypoints2.. Read input images image1 imread C Google Logo.jpg 0 image2 imread C Alex_Eng.jpg 0 SurfFeatureDetector surf 2500 surf.detect.. surf 2500 surf.detect image1 keypoints1 surf.detect image2 keypoints2 drawKeypoints image1 keypoints1 outImg1 Scalar 255..

Segmentation fault at glGenVertexArrays( 1, &vao );


textures 2 GLubyte image TextureSize TextureSize 3 GLubyte image2 TextureSize TextureSize 3 Vertex data arrays point4 points NumVertices.. 0 ^ j 0x8 0 255 image i j 0 c image i j 1 c image i j 2 c image2 i j 0 c image2 i j 1 0 image2 i j 2 c Initialize texture objects.. image i j 0 c image i j 1 c image i j 2 c image2 i j 0 c image2 i j 1 0 image2 i j 2 c Initialize texture objects glGenTextures..