

c++ Programming Glossary: ii

using OpenCV and SVM with images


Mat img_mat imread imgname 0 I used 0 for greyscale int ii 0 Current column in training_mat for int i 0 i img_mat.rows.. int j 0 j img_mat.cols j training_mat.at float file_num ii img_mat.at uchar i j Do this for every training image remembering..

Copy Constructor and default constructor


using namespace std class X int i public X X int ii void print X X X X int ii i ii void X print cout i i endl int.. class X int i public X X int ii void print X X X X int ii i ii void X print cout i i endl int main void X x 10 X x1 x.print.. X int i public X X int ii void print X X X X int ii i ii void X print cout i i endl int main void X x 10 X x1 x.print..

how to use an iterator?


1 po.push_back p1 po.push_back p2 vector point iterator ii vector point iterator jj for ii po.begin ii po.end ii for jj.. p2 vector point iterator ii vector point iterator jj for ii po.begin ii po.end ii for jj po.begin jj po.end jj cout distance.. point iterator ii vector point iterator jj for ii po.begin ii po.end ii for jj po.begin jj po.end jj cout distance ii jj..

A C++ iterator adapter which wraps and hides an inner iterator and converts the iterated type


somehow default template arguments don't cut it and ii avoiding heap allocation but I'm really after a solution which..

std::istream_iterator<> with copy_n() and friends


0 std vector int numbers 2 std istream_iterator int ii ss std cout ii std endl shows that read ahead happened. std.. int numbers 2 std istream_iterator int ii ss std cout ii std endl shows that read ahead happened. std copy_n ii 2 numbers.begin.. ii std endl shows that read ahead happened. std copy_n ii 2 numbers.begin int i 0 ss i std cout numbers 0 ' ' numbers..

Why is copy constructor not being called in this code


using namespace std class Integer int i public Integer int ii 0 i ii cout Integer endl Integer const Integer I cout Integer.. std class Integer int i public Integer int ii 0 i ii cout Integer endl Integer const Integer I cout Integer const.. int i 1 j 2 k 3 k i j cout user defined types endl Integer ii 1 jj 2 kk 3 kk ii jj I do get an error If I'll comment out copy..

What can cause D3D11CreateDevice() to fail with E_FAIL?


BIOS Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG Processor AMD Phenom tm II X4 955 Processor 4 CPUs ~3.2GHz Memory 8192MB RAM Available..

C++: Convert text file of integers into a bitmap image file in BMP format


a matrix from the Armadillo Linear Algebra Library. EDIT II Reading this indicated that my size should probably be rows..

Good Intro to COM Programming [closed]


Find out if 2 lines intersect [duplicate]


following equations I abs A0 a A1 A0 A2 b A3 A2 tolerance II abs B0 a B1 B0 B2 b B3 B2 tolerance My method should return.. B3 B2 tolerance My method should return true if both I and II evaluate to true. My C Code vec.h #ifndef __MY_VECTOR__ #define.. sl2 l2.slope l2.A b sl2 l1.A a sl1 l2.A l1.A a sl1 b sl2 I II ^T I' sl2 1 I II' sl2 0 II vec long int 2 L l2.A l1.A R sl1..

Namespace + functions versus static methods on a class


users to increase complete the class' interface. Extension II A side effect of the previous point it is impossible to declare.. swap function is the best example of that . Extension III The basic cooless of a namespace is that in some code you can..

How can I use C++ code to interact with PHP?


Part I Introduction to PHP and Zend Extension Writing Part II Parameters Arrays and ZVALs Extension Writing Part II Parameters.. Part II Parameters Arrays and ZVALs Extension Writing Part II Parameters Arrays and ZVALs continued Extension Writing Part.. Arrays and ZVALs continued Extension Writing Part III Resources And specifically about the C part this one might..

Fork and core dump with threads


threads in the process stopping. Quick tests on AMD Athlon II X4 640 on Xubuntu and a 3.8.0 29 generic kernel indicates tight..

C++ cache aware programming


memory optimization by Christer Ericsson of God of War I II III fame . It's a couple of years old but it's still very relevant... optimization by Christer Ericsson of God of War I II III fame . It's a couple of years old but it's still very relevant...

return value (not a reference) from the function, bound to a const reference in the calling function; how is its lifetime extended to the scope of the calling function?


const BoundingBox l_Bbox l_pPlayer GetBoundingBox variant II Bind it to a const copy const BoundingBox l_Bbox l_pPlayer GetBoundingBox.. is not called and thus is slightly better than variant II . Also for comparison I made the following changes. CASE B BoundingBox.. Variants I BoundingBox l_Bbox l_pPlayer GetBoundingBox and II BoundingBox l_Bbox l_pPlayer GetBoundingBox The objet l_Bbox..