

c++ Programming Glossary: imgproc

OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Advanced square detection


#include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include iostream #include vector using namespace.. opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include iostream #include vector using namespace cv using..

Calculating convexityDefects using OpenCV 2.4 in c++


ptnum 3 in convexityDefects file . opencv opencv modules imgproc src contours.cpp line 1969 Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong..

Using OpenCV 2.4.0 in a Visual studio 2010 project


core core.hpp cv Mat etc always need this #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp all the image processing functions #include opencv2.. cv Mat etc always need this #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp all the image processing functions #include opencv2 highgui.. opencv_core240.lib opencv_core240D.lib for debug opencv_imgproc240.lib and opencv_highgui240.lib etc share improve this answer..

OpenCV's Canny Edge Detection in C++


#include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp int main cv Mat image cv imread open_1a.jpg cv Mat.. opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp int main cv Mat image cv imread open_1a.jpg cv Mat contours..

Bug with pixel access in OpenCV 2.x


but without success. Here is my code #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp using namespace.. without success. Here is my code #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp using namespace cv..

OpenCV Skin Detection


Code to generate the Incorect output #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp using namespace.. to generate the Incorect output #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp using namespace cv.. now is how do you smoothen the output #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp using namespace..

cvtColor assertion failed ( OpenCV with C++ )


3 scn 4 in cvtColor file build buildd opencv 2.3.1 modules imgproc src color.cpp line 2834 terminate called after throwing an instance.. of 'cv Exception' what build buildd opencv 2.3.1 modules imgproc src color.cpp 2834 error 215 scn 3 scn 4 in function cvtColor..

Error in opencv code for motion detection


#include opencv highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv imgproc imgproc.hpp and the respective libraries. 2. For filtering connected.. opencv highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv imgproc imgproc.hpp and the respective libraries. 2. For filtering connected.. #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include cv.h #include highgui.h using namespace..

OpenCV : libopencv_core.so.2.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


#include opencv2 core core.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc_c.h #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include iostream.. #include opencv2 core core.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc_c.h #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include iostream #include.. #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc_c.h #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include iostream #include stdio.h #include stdlib.h..

OpenCV crash when attempting to capture default iSight camera


3 scn 4 in cvtColor file Users dadair opencv src modules imgproc src color.cpp line 3402 libc abi.dylib terminate called throwing..

Trying to close OpenCV window has no effect


. #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc_c.h #include iostream using namespace std int main int.. opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc_c.h #include iostream using namespace std int main int argc..

Using ROI in OpenCV?


check this sample http opencv.itseez.com doc tutorials imgproc shapedescriptors point_polygon_test point_polygon_test.html#point..

How to detect the Sun from the space sky in OpenCv?


#include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include iostream using namespace cv using namespace.. opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include iostream using namespace cv using namespace std..

Finding Contours in OpenCV?


iostream #include opencv2 core core.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp int main int.. #include opencv2 core core.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp int main int argc const..

OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Proper object detection


#include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include vector using namespace cv using namespace.. opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include vector using namespace cv using namespace std int..

Use OpenCV Threshold with Kinect Image


is as follows #include opencv2 opencv.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2.. #include opencv2 opencv.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 gpu..