

c++ Programming Glossary: ignores

Throw keyword in function's signature (C++)


And it is not well supported in any case. MSVC ignores exception specifications except throw which it interprets as..

fork() branches more than expected?


value differs between parent and child. Since this code ignores the return value it makes no difference. So at first there is..

rvalue to lvalue conversion Visual Studio


is purely conceptual artificial. The compiler simply ignores that restriction. There's no need to transform anything here...

private inheritance


. Furthermore C style casts but no C cast actually ignores visibility and thus succeeds in casting your Derived pointer..

where can I use alignas() in C++11


version of this question gcc does not only warn but indeed ignores my wish for alignment. c c 11 alignment alignas share improve..

Freeing memory allocated in a different DLL


As sean has already said the release build simply ignores that delete statement so the best you can hope for is a memory..

Best open XML parser for C++ [closed]


of standard library is undesired. Limitations The parser ignores DOCTYPE declarations. There is no support for XML namespaces...

Good free FTP Client Library (for Windows C++ commercial apps)? [closed]


over the years. Another is that Wininet's FTP support ignores all timeout values. That particular bug has existed for years...

How to cin Space in c++?


symbol from standard input If you write space program ignores Is there any combination of symbols e.g. ' s' or something like..

Template operator linker error


ld returned 1 exit status It looks like the linker ignores the definition in log.cpp. I also cant put the definition in..

Why does C++ support memberwise assignment of arrays within structs, but not generally?


if you use them. And from a certain point of view which ignores that C arrays are a botched hack disallowing array assignment..

functions with const arguments Overloading ( Follow up)


function can change that copy or not. For this reason C ignores a top level const qualification on function parameters top level..

Program is skipping over Getline() without taking user input


remove the newline character after retrieving data but ignores leading whitespace before retrieving data while getline just..

Function template specialization


a void f T ... int p f p calls b overload resolution ignores specializations and operates on the base function templates..

Use of typename keyword with typedef and new


will still be found instead of the type name X GCC however ignores non type names in looking up a name after a typename . But that's..

What is the point of STL Character Traits?


of this is if you want to store strings in a way that ignores case. For example I might want to make a string called CaseInsensitiveString..

I don't want my Excel Add-In to return an array (instead I need a UDF to change other cells)


Windows timer has to be used within the UDF because Excel ignores any Application.OnTime calls inside a UDF. But because the Windows..

C++ cout and cin buffers, and buffers in general


std streambuf pubsync on the associated stream buffer this ignores the detail that the stream are actually class templates e.g...

Conflict between copy constructor and forwarding constructor


. IIUC determination of a class' copy construction policy ignores constructor templates. That means in this case that MyBase will..