

c++ Programming Glossary: iirc

What are the pros and cons of writing C#/Xaml vs. C++/Xaml WinRT applications in Windows8? [closed]


choose C or .NET. C will give you faster startup times. IIRC .NET 4.5 has auto NGENing abilities not sure how it related.. important on resource constrained devices such as tablets. IIRC .NET 4.5 has more mitigations into GC pauses which can cause..

Pointers to virtual member functions. How does it work?


functions under The Well Behaved Compilers although IIRC when I read the article I was skimming that part since the article..

Why simple console app runs but dialog based does not run in WIN CE 6.0?


did not ship with Platform Builder 6.0 at all in fact IIRC MFC isn't even in the CE 6.0 OS catalog and Studio '08 used..

Derived template-class access to base-class member-data


Bar T BarFunc using Bar T _foo_arg Might not work in g IIRC std cout _foo_arg std endl This makes it clear to the compiler..

Real-time pitch detection using FFT


. One of their samples does realtime pitch detection IIRC. The library is free for open source and moderately priced for..

friend class with limited access


while ago. You may see the discussion it generated there . IIRC we ended up using the friend of a nested key approach. Applied..

How to parse space-separated floats in C++ quickly?


per iteration Under Linux 2.6.18 compiled with g 4.4.2 O2 IIRC Testing Using fstream directly 5 iterations ... 784000 microseconds..

Difference between 'new operator' and 'operator new'?


operator new either globally or for a specific class. IIRC the signature is void operator new size_t Of course if you overload..

Boost.Bind to access std::map elements in std::for_each


boost bind stdmap foreach share improve this question IIRC Boost.Bind uses boost mem_fn for its binding to members capability...

Floating point vs integer calculations on modern hardware


so slow approximately circa the 386 days where I believe IIRC that there was an optional co proccessor. But surely nowadays..

std::wstring VS std::string


the mostly compatible UCS 2 which is almost the same thing IIRC . Applications using char are said multibyte because each glyph..

Is this rule about volatile usage strict?


discussions that then followed on comp.lang.c .moderated. IIRC Andrei hijacks the volatile keyword to use it to discriminate..

Why does ostream_iterator not work as expected?


to wrap your operator into namespace std but that is UB IIRC. Or 2 create a struct inheriting from std pair to define a new..

Why don't the standard C++ container adaptors provide a clear function?


int q time passes... q std queue int equivalent to clear IIRC clear is provided by everything that could serve as the underlying..

Default initialization in C++


is tricky the wording as changed between C 98 and C 03 and IIRC again with C 0X so I'd not depend on it. With struct Foo4 int..

Difference between void main and int main? [duplicate]


the C spec. void main int argc char argv is not and was IIRC a perversity that came with Microsoft's C compiler. http www.parashift.com..

How are gcc/g++ bootstrapped?


it was written. The very first C compiler ever ca. 1973 IIRC was implemented in PDP 11 assembly. Similarly the first ever..