

c++ Programming Glossary: ilist

How to return a collection of strings from C# to C++ via COM interop


type information for it. That didn't work so I tried IList . That didn't work either the #import statement produced a .tlh.. #import statement produced a .tlh file that referred to IList but had not definition for it. So as a workaround I tried declaring..

How to obtain all subsequence combinations of a String (in Java, or C++ etc)


halfway and give you code in C# static public IEnumerable IList T powerset T IList T s int n s.Count int masks new int n for.. code in C# static public IEnumerable IList T powerset T IList T s int n s.Count int masks new int n for int i 0 i n i masks..

Is there a standard C++ equivalent of IEnumerable<T> in C#?


to .NET IEnumerable T IEnumerator T ICollection T IList T namely For containers iterator and const_iterator typedefs.. T Current reference return type from operator instead of IList T indexer setter operator and operator no true equivalent in.. access iterators operator operator operator instead of IList T If you define these then standard algorithms will work with..