

c++ Programming Glossary: img.cols

Bug with pixel access in OpenCV 2.x


img imread argv 1 for int j 0 j img.rows j for int i 0 i img.cols i img.data j img.cols i 3 0 uchar 0 B img.data j img.cols i.. int j 0 j img.rows j for int i 0 i img.cols i img.data j img.cols i 3 0 uchar 0 B img.data j img.cols i 1 uchar 0 G img.data j.. img.cols i img.data j img.cols i 3 0 uchar 0 B img.data j img.cols i 1 uchar 0 G img.data j img.cols i 2 uchar 0 R namedWindow..

How to detect the Sun from the space sky in OpenCv?


sun_templ.png 1 Create the result matrix int result_cols img.cols templ.cols 1 int result_rows img.rows templ.rows 1 Mat result..

Converting data from glReadPixels() to OpenCV::Mat


one complete row in destination data doesn't need to equal img.cols glPixelStorei GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH img.step img.elemSize Next.. read it directly into the cv Mat would be glReadPixels 0 0 img.cols img.rows GL_BGR GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE img.data Finally OpenCV stores..