

c++ Programming Glossary: image1

OpenCV SURF function is not implemented


main cv initModule_nonfree THIS LINE IS IMPORTANT IplImage image1 cvLoadImage C SURF 1.jpg IplImage image2 cvLoadImage C SURF.. 2.jpg CvMemStorage memoryBlock cvCreateMemStorage CvSeq image1KeyPoints CvSeq image1Descriptors CvSeq image2KeyPoints CvSeq.. memoryBlock cvCreateMemStorage CvSeq image1KeyPoints CvSeq image1Descriptors CvSeq image2KeyPoints CvSeq image2Descriptors Only..

OpenCV - Object matching using SURF descriptors and BruteForceMatcher


the two images True matching False matching My code Mat image1 outImg1 image2 outImg2 vector of keypoints vector KeyPoint keypoints1.. vector KeyPoint keypoints1 keypoints2 Read input images image1 imread C Google Logo.jpg 0 image2 imread C Alex_Eng.jpg 0 SurfFeatureDetector.. C Alex_Eng.jpg 0 SurfFeatureDetector surf 2500 surf.detect image1 keypoints1 surf.detect image2 keypoints2 drawKeypoints image1..