

c++ Programming Glossary: imbue

What the purpose of imbue in C++?


the purpose of imbue in C I'm working with some code today and I saw extern std.. public virtual std ostringstream public StringStream imbue g_classicLocale virtual ~StringStream Then I came in face of.. virtual ~StringStream Then I came in face of imbue . What is the purpose of the imbue function in C What does it..

C++ - locale-independent “atof”?


the desired locale is used create a specific locale and imbue the stream with that locale before reading from it #include.. float longitude 0.0f std istringstream istr pField istr.imbue std locale C istr longitude As a side note I've usually used..

How to easily indent output to ofstream?


use a facet. A custom version of the codecvt facet can be imbued onto a stream. So your usage would look like this int main.. new IndentFacet Imbue std cout before it is used std cout.imbue indentLocale std cout Line 1 nLine 2 nLine 3 n You must imbue.. indentLocale std cout Line 1 nLine 2 nLine 3 n You must imbue a file stream before it is opened. std ofstream data data.imbue..

How to print a double with a comma


point double comma period share improve this question imbue cout with a locale whose numpunct facet's decimal_point member.. m_Separator private CharT m_Separator Used as std cout.imbue std locale std cout.getloc new DecimalSeparator char ' ' share..

C++ Boost date with format dd/mm/yyyy?


. Once this is done the code is pretty simple. You call imbue on the ostream you want to output to then just output your ptime.. char argv time_facet facet new time_facet d b Y H M S cout.imbue locale cout.getloc facet cout second_clock local_time endl Output..

Why does this specialized char_traits<uint8_t> and codecvt<uint8_t> for use with the basic_ifstream template throw std::bad_cast?


codecvt always_noconv on the codecvt facet of the locale imbued in your stream... which doesn't exist. You can reproduce the.. almost there the last missing piece is the line stream.imbue std locale stream.getloc new std codecvt uint8_t char std mbstate_t.. std mbstate_t anywhere before stream.read or alternatively imbue the global std locale global std locale std locale new std codecvt..

C/C++ function definitions without assembly


JUMP_INIT showmanyc _IO_default_showmanyc JUMP_INIT imbue _IO_default_imbue libc_hidden_data_def _IO_file_jumps There.. _IO_default_showmanyc JUMP_INIT imbue _IO_default_imbue libc_hidden_data_def _IO_file_jumps There ™s also a #define which..

Are C++ exceptions sufficient to implement thread-local storage?


thread inside a function catch block of its main function imbue it with thread local storage It seems to work fine albeit slowly...

Who architected / designed C++'s IOStreams, and would it still be considered well-designed by today's standards?


cryptic and confusing member function names e.g. getloc imbue uflow underflow snextc sbumpc sgetc sgetn pbase pptr epptr and..

Convert wide character strings to boost dates


to use greek locale std wstringstream greek_ss greek_ss.imbue greek_locale date d2 greek_ss ws greek_ss d2 cout d2 This it.. ss wdate_input_facet fac new wdate_input_facet L Y m d ss.imbue std locale std locale classic fac date d ss L 2004 01 01 2005.. std locale facet and every one has an unique id. You can imbue a new locale into a stream replacing its old locale. The locale..

Wrote to a file using std::wofstream. The file remained empty


create a locale class install into it UTF 8 facet and then imbue it to the fstream. What happens that code points are not being..

Custom manipulator for C++ iostream


one has no control of how the manipulator is used. One can imbue a new locale into a stream which has a facet installed that..

Custom stream manipulator for streaming integers in any base


new stream manipulator by default rather than having to imbue them. #include algorithm #include cassert #include climits #include.. the StreamManip base modifier. std locale global myLocale imbue std cout so it uses are custom local. std cout.imbue myLocale.. imbue std cout so it uses are custom local. std cout.imbue myLocale std cerr.imbue myLocale Output some stuff. std cout..

Unicode encoding for string literals in C++11


have to use a locale to specify the encoding and properly imbue it into the various places. This is easier said than done and..

Reading formatted input from an istream


stream considers to be whitespace. The way to do it is to imbue the stream with a std locale object whose std ctype char facet.. replaced to consider the desired characters as whitespace. imbue locale ctype huh OK well these aren't necessarily the things.. of your main function and you are all set std cin.imbue std locale std locale new ctype ' ' ' n' Note that this really..