

c++ Programming Glossary: img

OpenCv 2.3 C - How to isolate object inside image


i want that the result is i try this void findX IplImage imgSrc int min int max int i int minFound 0 CvMat data CvScalar.. i int minFound 0 CvMat data CvScalar maxVal cvRealScalar imgSrc width 255 CvScalar val cvRealScalar 0 For each col sum if.. search the max if sum width 255 then is new max for i 0 i imgSrc width i cvGetCol imgSrc data i val cvSum data if val.val..

Simple object detection using OpenCV and machine learning


#include math.h int main int argc char argv IplImage img NULL if img cvLoadImage argv 1 0 printf cvLoadImage failed.. math.h int main int argc char argv IplImage img NULL if img cvLoadImage argv 1 0 printf cvLoadImage failed n IplImage gray.. cvLoadImage failed n IplImage gray cvCreateImage cvGetSize img IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 CvMemStorage storage cvCreateMemStorage 0 cvCvtColor..

OpenCV 2.3 C++ Visual Studio 2010


_TCHAR argv int c allocate memory for an image IplImage img capture from video device #1 CvCapture capture cvCaptureFromCAM.. mainWin 5 5 while 1 retrieve the captured frame img cvQueryFrame capture show the image in the window cvShowImage.. capture show the image in the window cvShowImage mainWin img wait 10 ms for a key to be pressed c cvWaitKey 10 escape key..