

c++ Programming Glossary: image_

How to save the client area of a child Window to a Bitmap file?


question RECT rect 0 GetWindowRect hwnd rect ATL CImage image_ new CImage image_ Create rect.right rect.left rect.bottom rect.top.. 0 GetWindowRect hwnd rect ATL CImage image_ new CImage image_ Create rect.right rect.left rect.bottom rect.top 32 HDC device_context_handle.. rect.bottom rect.top 32 HDC device_context_handle image_ GetDC PrintWindow hwnd device_context_handle PW_CLIENTONLY image_..

opencv create mat from camera data


variable. The type for Mat structure I took CV_8UC1. Mat image_ function takePhoto unsigned int width getWidthOfPhoto unsinged.. u n image.size .width printf height u n image.size .height image_.create Size image.size .width image.size .height CV_8UC1 image_.. Size image.size .width image.size .height CV_8UC1 image_ image.clone printf width u n image_.size .width printf height..