

c++ Programming Glossary: glchar

GCC, stringification, and inline GLSL?


using macro stringification #define STRINGIFY A #A const GLchar vert STRINGIFY #version 120 n attribute vec2 position void main.. portable manner I'm trying to avoid per line quotes const GLchar vert #version 120 n attribute vec2 position void main gl_Position.. vec4 position 0.0 1.0 ...and or line continuation const GLchar vert #version 120 n attribute vec2 position void main ..

Fragment shader inexplicable bahaviour


GLSL endl Lettura e compilazione del vertex shader GLchar buffer new GLchar MAX_DIM ifstream stream streamsize count stream.open.. Lettura e compilazione del vertex shader GLchar buffer new GLchar MAX_DIM ifstream stream streamsize count stream.open vertex_shader_filename.. GL_VERTEX_SHADER glShaderSource vertex_shader 1 const GLchar buffer count glCompileShader vertex_shader Lettura inizializzazione..

Rendering issue with different computers


type GLuint id GLenum severity GLsizei length const GLchar message GLvoid userParam eTB_ColorPrintf 0xff00ffff OpenGL..

Easy framework for OpenGL Shaders in C/C++


return shader public template int N int M shader_prog GLchar const v_source N GLchar const f_source M vertex_shader compile.. template int N int M shader_prog GLchar const v_source N GLchar const f_source M vertex_shader compile GL_VERTEX_SHADER v_source.. just imitate the fixed functionality pipeline const GLchar vertex_shader void main void n gl_Position ftransform n gl_FrontColor..

Again - parallax mapping issue in OpenGL, GLSL. It's not as usual as it seem to be


glCreateShader GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER glShaderSource v 1 const GLchar vsrc.cstr NULL glShaderSource f 1 const GLchar fsrc.cstr NULL.. v 1 const GLchar vsrc.cstr NULL glShaderSource f 1 const GLchar fsrc.cstr NULL glCompileShader v glCompileShader f p glCreateProgram..