c++ Programming Glossary: glew
VC++ LNK Errors With GLFW http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11605835/vc-lnk-errors-with-glfw headers #include stdio.h #include stdlib.h Include GLEW #include GL glew.h Include GLFW #include GL glfw.h Include GLM.. of the tutorials. n glfwTerminate return 1 Initialize GLEW if glewInit GLEW_OK fprintf stderr Failed to initialize GLEW.. n glfwTerminate return 1 Initialize GLEW if glewInit GLEW_OK fprintf stderr Failed to initialize GLEW n return 1 glfwSetWindowTitle..
Windows C++ compiler with full C++11 support (should work with Qt) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19425482/windows-c-compiler-with-full-c11-support-should-work-with-qt Engine ODB C Object Relational Mapping ORM SQLite GLEW Vim ncurses . I think being able to build such huge and diverse..
How to get VBO working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3121472/how-to-get-vbo-working mentioned GLES. I don't know how GLES work because I use GLEW. In many ways NeHe wrote great tutorials but they're getting.. getting outdated. So if you like to continue with me use GLEW . You will include it on start you will have to provide library... If this example asks for DLL you have them in freeglut or GLEW bin files Edit1 I forgot for that so don't make same mistake..
Again - parallax mapping issue in OpenGL, GLSL. It's not as usual as it seem to be http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4750707/again-parallax-mapping-issue-in-opengl-glsl-its-not-as-usual-as-it-seem-to 0.1f 900.0f glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW glLoadIdentity if GLEW_OK glewInit MBX Failed to init GLEW. Error if glewIsSupported.. glLoadIdentity if GLEW_OK glewInit MBX Failed to init GLEW. Error if glewIsSupported GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object VBO_supported..
Visual Studio C++ 2010 express and OpenGL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5055288/visual-studio-c-2010-express-and-opengl headers from the OpenGL website as well as something like GLEW. This will give you access to the latest available functions..
Building glew on windows with mingw http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6005076/building-glew-on-windows-with-mingw and additional explanations mkdir lib mkdir bin gcc DGLEW_NO_GLU O2 Wall W Iinclude DGLEW_BUILD o src glew.o c src glew.c.. mkdir lib mkdir bin gcc DGLEW_NO_GLU O2 Wall W Iinclude DGLEW_BUILD o src glew.o c src glew.c gcc shared Wl soname libglew32.dll.. GL g e s @version@ 1.6.0 g e s @cflags@ g e s @libname@ GLEW g glew.pc.in glew.pc gcc DGLEW_NO_GLU DGLEW_MX O2 Wall W Iinclude..
#error gl.h included before glew.h http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8580675/error-gl-h-included-before-glew-h the top of my main.cpp file looked like this #define GLEW_STATIC #include GL glew.h #include SFML Graphics.hpp #include.. code into methods of the Game class. So I removed #define GLEW_STATIC and #include GL glew.h from the above and put them into.. such that the top of Game.h now looks like this #define GLEW_STATIC #include GL glew.h #include SFML Graphics.hpp #include..
Learning OpenGL in Ubuntu [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/859501/learning-opengl-in-ubuntu installed link to them when you compile g lglut lGL lGLU lGLEW example.cpp o example In example.cpp include the OpenGL libraries.. after your glutCreateWindow Call GLenum err glewInit if GLEW_OK err fprintf stderr Error s n glewGetErrorString err exit.. glewGetErrorString err exit 1 fprintf stdout Status Using GLEW s n glewGetString GLEW_VERSION if GLEW_ARB_vertex_program fprintf..
How to use GLEW with MinGW http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8870793/how-to-use-glew-with-mingw to use GLEW with MinGW I was trying to use glew32.lib file to link in my..
Glew problems, unresolved externals http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11059971/glew-problems-unresolved-externals problems getting Glew to work. I have tried to include the glew32.lib in the Additional Dependencies and I have moved the library.. Error 5 error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol __imp__glewInit referenced in function void __cdecl init void init@@YAXXZ.. Error 4 error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol __imp__glewGetErrorString referenced in function void __cdecl init void..
Glew+GLFW Win32 No Dependencies Visual Studio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13785633/glewglfw-win32-no-dependencies-visual-studio files needed in the directory of my project. c opengl glew glfw share improve this question You don't have to put the.. Linker Input Additional Dependencies add the names of glew and GLFW libs glew32.lib GLFW.lib And you are ready to go. .. Dependencies add the names of glew and GLFW libs glew32.lib GLFW.lib And you are ready to go. share improve this..
Fragment shader inexplicable bahaviour http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14573079/fragment-shader-inexplicable-bahaviour screen output is inexplicable. In this file I initialize glew in the init method where I also compile the vertex and fragment.. code if you think that the problem is there. #include GL glew.h #include GL glut.h #include iostream #include fstream #include.. Material material void init Inizializzazione di GLEW glewInit if GLEW_ARB_vertex_shader GLEW_ARB_fragment_shader cout..
Getting GLEW to compile in Code::Blocks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16923876/getting-glew-to-compile-in-codeblocks OpenGL Test main.cpp 12 undefined reference to `_imp____glewEnableVertexAttribArray' C C Programs OpenGL Test main.cpp 13.. OpenGL Test main.cpp 13 undefined reference to `_imp____glewBindBuffer' C C Programs OpenGL Test main.cpp 14 undefined reference.. OpenGL Test main.cpp 14 undefined reference to `_imp____glewVertexAttribPointer' C C Programs OpenGL Test main.cpp 18 undefined..
Rendering issue with different computers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18064988/rendering-issue-with-different-computers I use glfw to create my window and context and include glew headers to enable some of the newer opengl functions. void G4..
Building glew on windows with mingw http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6005076/building-glew-on-windows-with-mingw glew on windows with mingw Can anyone give me the correct command.. mingw Can anyone give me the correct command to build glew on windows with mingw I have tried gcc static glew.c glewinfo.c.. build glew on windows with mingw I have tried gcc static glew.c glewinfo.c visualinfo.c I path to glew include but I am getting..
OpenGL window isn't opening http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8356058/opengl-window-isnt-opening cstdlib #include cstdio #include cstring #include GL glew.h #include GL freeglut.h #define WINDOW_TITLE_PREFIX CHAPTER.. then returns to its normal state. c visual c opengl glut glew share improve this question glutInitContextVersion 4 2 Does..
How to use GLEW with MinGW http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8870793/how-to-use-glew-with-mingw to use GLEW with MinGW I was trying to use glew32.lib file to link in my project than I compile Glew source.. in my project than I compile Glew source by myself to get glew.a file. Now I have these link errors in my project g o Chapter10.. OpenCLTest .exe src Chapter10 OpenCLTest .o lopengl32 lglew lglut32 lglu32 lopencl src Chapter10 OpenCLTest .o Chapter10..
Glew problems, unresolved externals http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11059971/glew-problems-unresolved-externals problems unresolved externals I want to start working with.. with OpenGL 3 and 4 but I'm having problems getting Glew to work. I have tried to include the glew32.lib in the Additional.. new GLint 4 sTime clock CLOCKS_PER_SEC void init GLenum GlewInitResult GlewInitResult glewInit if GLEW_OK GlewInitResult..
Glew+GLFW Win32 No Dependencies Visual Studio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13785633/glewglfw-win32-no-dependencies-visual-studio GLFW Win32 No Dependencies Visual Studio Is it possible to.. Visual Studio Is it possible to build and link Glew and GLFW without copying files to the C I can't find any documentation..
How to use GLEW with MinGW http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8870793/how-to-use-glew-with-mingw use glew32.lib file to link in my project than I compile Glew source by myself to get glew.a file. Now I have these link errors..